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(Art and character above belongs to Vivziepop.)

Ever had a case of deja vu that was so powerful you could've sworn it was a dream? Well she was having that all day today, the day before had left her with a bad taste of taxi drivers now and hoped she didn't have to use one ever again, but that could be saved for later. Tomorrow she didn't know what exactly she was going to do, but one thing was for sure the house needed to be dusted and taken care of. The night had been proof of that when she kept sneezing from the amount of dust covering everything, so when she got up she was feeling a little(lot) groggy the next morning and something got her up. The wonderful smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air and so she sleepily got up and she stretched with a yawn and blinked. ...Smacking her lips and throwing the blankets off of her, throwing the blankets off and standing up. She coughed a few times from the dust and began walking to the door. The stairs creaked under her when she walked down the steps and desceneded to the living room. Still coughing lightly and blinking tiredly, stomach rumbling towards the delicious smell from the kitchen. Once she got into said kitchen, it was completely emptied of life besides her but somehow there was a plate of eggs and bacon perfectly cooked with a glass of orange juice by it. Hungry and still not thinking clearly from sleep, she sat down in the chair, grabbed the fork, and began to chow down on the food provided to her by out of thin air all of a sudden. It wasn't until she was halfway through it did she stop...and gulped down the food in her mouth before blinking at what was left.....WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?! She took a moment to look towards the sink where a small pile of dishes used to cook the food was...before she stared back straight ahead and blinked...Her hand pointing to the sink and the food and back again as she stared...And she shrugged. She must've been so tired she mustn't have notice her cook the food and forgotten about it. Happened to everyone. Some people forget their house keys so early in the morning because they were tired, she must've gone blank with her mind still mush from being so early in the morning. Perfectly logical. So she shrugged it off and finished eating the breakfast she forgot she made for herself and placed the dishes in the sink and made a mental note to come back and clean later right now she had a mission to do. And that mission was detoxifying all the dust and dirt from the house to stop all this coughing. If this was her home now, she was going to make sure it was actually livable. The cleaning supplies Allison needed was found under the sneak and in the kitchen closet, and got to work on the first room mist important obviously. Her old bedroom, giving it an sort of make over. Rearanging the few things in there like the old few toys and books on the shelf after wiping it with one of the tissues and removing the musty sheets off the bed...Did the old washer and dryer still work?? The old childhood pictures remained though. She reached for them to take them down...but couldn't just bring herself to do it. Allison supposed they just meant so much with the memories drawn in them she couldn't bring herself to do it, so for now she'll leave them up and focus on other things. Which included taking all the stuff out of her bags(which lets be honest was mostly art supplies and clothes with a few personal items) and shuffled about unpacking them all. The smaller clothes from her childhood were tossed into the giant suitcase as soon as it was emptied of her now clothes and stored into the back of said closet with the giant duffle bag until she could think of a better place to put them. The things like paint brushes, colored pencils, and what's left of whatever she didn't sell off to pay off all the bills and things she owed-....She was still sure she was still expecting a taxi bill anytime soon. But it was nice to relax for once and just fix up her space to the way she wanted. Remember the deju vu part mentioned? Well she went back down to the kitchen after a while to get herself some lunch- But stopped when she saw it. The kitchen. WAS. CLEAN. And not just clean. It looked as if she spent the whole day mopping the floors and wiping down all the dusty counters, and even the dishes from the sink were gone....She stood there for the longest moment..before going to the cabinets and opening them all looking in. YEP! She found the pan and the dishes she used cleaned and put away in the cabinets. She had to take a step back and think for a long moment. Before coming to the totally logical conclusion that she also must've cleaned the kitchen when she was half asleep that morning and because of all the stress and work she did on her bedroom, she simply must've forgotten about that too. Silly her. She should really start remembering things better and not get so distracted.

When she went to the fridge and pulled it open, she was surprised to find it stocked to THE BRIM with fresh foods and blinked again.....The caretaker of her grandmother's estate must've left this here while he was staying here to collect what her grandmother left to her cousins in her will. He must've had a big apitite if he left all this here. Yeesh. The guy was a little round but she wasn't expecting him to dump money on food and just leave it here. Oh well. Just meant food for her for a good long while. A guilty feeling did nag at her for even considering eating someone else's food, but she shrugged it off with another thought. If he didn't want me to eat it, he shouldn't have left it here and taken it with him when he left instead of wasting money like that. But she guessed when you were a big time lawyer you didn't need to worry about spending maybe a hundred dollars on simple food. Shrugging she grabbed a few things from the fridge to make a sandwhich and went for the table. Not noticing the eyes blinking from the doorway or hearing the quiet giggle before the fella turned around and scurried of in a blur of blue. But she didn't notice the blue, just the sound of small paws scurrying away when she whipped her head around...And scowled.

"Great. Mice. Just perfect," she grumbled to herself before going back to the food.

She definitely had no clue who was really behind all this did she? Oh well, she'll find out soon enough anyways. For now be was enjoying the confusion on her face and helping behind the scenes for now. It's been too long since he was able to have fun. The old lady was too used to his tricks and the lawyer was too easy. Let's see how long it took his old friend to notice his little shennanigans shall we?~ The next few were pretty easy, she was doing something human's called 'spring cleaning' which seemed to be a culture celebration of spring by cleaning your houses he guessed. More human things. But this worked all the better. With just a snap of his fingers all the dust turned into the shapes of bunnies, 'dust bunnies', and hoped out the window he opened while Allison was busy on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors and cleaning the dust covered shelves. He'd silently wait somewhere she couldn't see him and just giggle at her totally confused face when she'd walk into the next room and discover it completely clean and free of dust. Looking at it for a moment...before shrugging it off and moving on to the still dirty room next to the one he'd clean, brushing it off as her cleaning one room and completely forgetting which rooms she had cleaned. OH!! The irony was too good. But he noticed she didn't go in one room.....Her grandmother's old room....In reality he hadn't been there at all either since the old lady got taken away to ..what did humans call it? A nursery home? Like a Nursery for elderly? He couldn't remember specifically. Only the exciting news that Allison was gonna come back soon! But...She stood in the doorway to that particular room for what seemed like forever before she sighed and turned away dragging the vacuum with her.

"I-I'll just...c-come back to this one."

He tilted his head curiously to her reaction as she silently disappeared down the stairs...before looking at the open room. Hopping down from his hiding space behind the flower pot and staring into the cold room silently. ...She didn't want to go in there, understandably. He felt it was disrespectful too to intrude on someone else's personal courters if they were dead or alive. But still, it seemed also disrespectful to just leave it in a state of messiness like this, and it would probably save her the heartache of doing it herself. SO AS A GOOD FRIEND HE HAD A RIGHT TO USE MAGIC ON THIS!! He smiled and snapped his fingers. The same thing with all the rooms he'd done before happened. The window opened and all the dust within the room magically began coming together and clumping into little dust bunnies. Said bunnies then began to magically hop to the window and out. Loosing their shape as they fell down to the ground below. At the same time Allison was vacuuming the guest bedroom downstairs which her granny used to use as her 'meditating room'. Her old mat was still there and she would sit there for hours just relaxing and meditating. Funny. She never had anything else in the room ever other than her meditating mat and the giant full length mirror that stood in the middle of the room. It looked clean despite the dust flying around it, but she shrugged it off again. What she did catch however was the sudden grey blurs going back the window. At first she thought it was just a bird or leaf, but when more fell she looked to it and jumped slightly when a giant clump of what looked like dust fell past it and too the ground. What the- The lady turned off the machine and went over to the window and looked down at the ground, before flinching as another dust cloud floated down past her...Where were those coming from? Was the wind blowing dirt off the roof? That's a logical answer. Until she heard a slam of window shutter from upstairs making her jump and look up at the ceiling. That sound had come from right above her, her grandmother's old bedroom!...She quickly went to the stairs and began climbing them up towards the bedroom she left open. The stairs creaking under her. The blue cat's head snapped to the door and the approaching footsteps ...and quickly dove under the old bed just as reddish-brown eyes poked in to see what all the noise was about. Allison completely froze at the clean room and open window presented in front of her. ...Ok! She new for a FACT that she did NOT even go in this room let alone clean and open the window..she slowly walked her way over to the open window and looked out...she didn't see anything but the yard and silent woods around for miles and she certainly didn't see the pink-yellow mitchmatched eyes watching her from under the bed...Until she slowly closed the window and turned around staring..shaking her head before walking away from the room and closing the door behind her. The cat slowly poked his head out from under the bed and chuckled at the situation. The spike of adrenaline from almost getting caught exciting. OH THIS WAS GONNA BE FUN!!

Allison was on edge for the rest of that day. Looking over her shoulder every so while and peeking into rooms. But she didn't get anymore surprises for the rest of the day so she began to relax. Grabbing another sandwhich from the fridge for dinner and making her way back to the bedroom exhausted. She'd been having a whole thing forgetting and cleaning everything and she was all tired and all she wanted to do was just lay back in bed and sleep the night away. Maybe she should sleep in tomorrow and get extra sleep? Might help her memory if she wasn't sleepy. On her way to the stairs she passed the meditating room and something small and blue was sitting on the mat, it waved at her passing bye and not paying attention she waved bac-...Allison froze....Before backtracking and looking back into the empty room....She shook her head and went back to heading to bed. Yeah she was really tired. She didn't see the ripples in the mirror as she climbed the stairs and was soon in the soft bed.

The next day was...normal. She didn't know how long she slept but from the amount of sunlight but she guessed it must've been around nine or ten o'clock. She felt better than yesterday and instead of immediately heading downstairs like last time, she decided to hop into the shower for a quick ten minutes. The warm shower helped her greatly to wake up and when she walked downstarirs it was like all the sleep melted away and left her fresh, she wasn't even feeling that hungry this morning. So when she walked by the kitchen, she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until someone spoke.

"Hmhmhm. Good morning, Allison."

"Good morning," She greeted as she walked by.




Wait.... WHAT?!

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