"You just had to give me the girl," Beta said to Daryl and Aiden, "no one else had to die. Now that deal... is done."

"What the hell did you do!?" Aiden snarled.

Beta stared down at the woman before he grabbed her hair and yanked her head to the side. Aiden grimaced at the pain but her eyes remained locked with Beta's.

Never showing fear.

He examined the bruise on her face.

She yanked away from him after he pressed on her bruise with his thumb.

Her eyes were wide, her mouth open. She stumbled back into Daryl who swiftly caught her.

His eyes never strayed from Beta who eyed the two Dixon's.

He was going to be a problem.


The group of six were all bound to a tree. Aiden in between Daryl and Payton. She glared at the leader of the skins as she approached them.

"You ain't getting her back." Daryl said immediately.

"He's right." Aiden growled, "wicked bitch."

"You think this is about my daughter?" Alpha asked the duo, "I ran into some trouble on the road. It was unavoidable." Aiden heart dropped to her stomach. "Do you like my new camp? My people like to keep moving, keep roaming."

"We've granted Lydia asylum. Any attempt to take her by force will result in retaliation." Michonne calmly spoke.

"What's your name?" Alpha asked her.

"Michonne." She replied cooly.

"Does she speak for you both?" Alpha asked the Dixon's.

"We speak for each other." Aiden responded, her lips curling.

"My daughter isn't a concern anymore. She was weak. She never lived up to expectations," Alpha said.

"Was?" Daryl asked. "What the hell does that mean?"

"What the hell did you do to her?" Aiden growled.

"To be clear..." Alpha pulled out her small double-barrel shotgun and aimed it at Daryl. Alpha's eyes shot over to Aiden when she struggled against her bonds, "your group is in no position to threaten me. That is a habit that needs to be broken. Come with me. Just you two." She said to the Dixon couple. She motioned to the side. The two walked off. Aiden nodded at Payton while Daryl did the same to Carol.

The couple walked in front of Alpha. The sun had risen. "Where you takin' us?" Daryl asked her. She didn't respond.

The two walked onto the rocks and saw where she was taking them. The biggest heard Aiden had ever seen was below them.

Aiden gasped at the sight.

Thousands upon thousands of walkers.

Aiden looked at Alpha and then back at the herd in shock.

"My people are among them, steering them. The only reason you and your friends are alive is because I let you live." Alpha said to the duo.

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