22- Catch up

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Me and yunho both got our drinks and we went and sat at a table in the corner, "so how did you get to my school so quickly, isn't your school the other side of the city?" I start conversation "I had a free period at the end of the day so I left early to pick you up"

"How's your boba?" He asks me "it's really good" I take a sip from mine "can I try?" He gives me a cheeky smile, I frown at him but then he hit me with his puppy eyes and I have up.

"Fine... you can have some of mine" I pass him the cup over, he picks it up and takes a huge sip of it. "Yah don't drink all of it" I pull it out of his hands and give him a shameful look "how could you do that to my child"

"You're not wrong it is really good" was the response I got "really? I wouldn't have guessed" I say sarcastically "well I payed for it" he said back "I would've paid for it" "Yunmi I brought you here, it would be rude of me to make you pay, just think of it as a date" he freezes when he realises what he says.

He wasn't the only one to freeze as I did too, i couldn't stay shocked for too long because a familiar face was walking towards the store, I quickly hide my face and yunho noticed quickly.

"What's wrong, is ur because of what I said?" He asks concerned "no it's not that, it's just someone I know is here" I respond face still in my hands. "Oh, who are they?" Yunho try's to get my hands off my face but fails "a friend of mine"

"Yunmi?" A voice that was not yunhos spoke, I timidly lifted my head off my hands and looked at him, "hey San" I send him a sweet and innocent smile, I looked back at yunho in front of me and he sent me a confused look.

"Oh, umm San this is yunho, yunho this is San" I introduce them to each other and yunho gives him a little wave 'oh so that's who yunho is' San thought "am I interrupting something?" San asks us I was about to say no but yunho spoke sooner "yeah a bit actually, sorry"

San nodded and went to the counter order a drink and I sat there stunned "yunho, why did you say that?" I ask him "I want alone time with you, I don't get you alone often" he gives me a pout that was adorable "okay fine but now you have to give me some of your boba."

We walked around the city for a while afterwards, just talking about life and getting to know each other better, the sun in the sky fell lower each passing second and as soon as I know it I've spent my full afternoon and evening with yunho.

We went to a small convenience store and bought us both a cup of ramen, which they heated up for us, we ate the ramen and started to make our way back to our neighbourhood which we were far away from. The air around us got colder and I shivered a little because I didn't have a jacket.

Before I could even think a jacket was placed on my shoulders "yunho there's no need" I assure him but he wasn't taking it "wear it, i don't want you catching a cold because of me" I put my sleeves in it and yunho zips it up at the front.

"Perfect" he smiles warmly down at me making it feel like all the coldness of the world has disappeared. We started walking again and yunho took my hand in his "I don't want your hands to get cold too" he says so smoothly that I couldn't help but giggle.

We reached my house and I was about to take his jacket off but he quickly stopped me "keep it, just incase you forget your jacket again" he gives me a little wink and ruffles my hair "I cant make any promises" I say and I walk away into my house which the biggest grin plastered on my face.

"What made you so happy at this hour" the familiar raspy voice spoke to me "nothing that you need to know about"
I say teasingly sticking my tongue out at him.

"Hmm ok as long as you're happy, but it's late now and you have school tomorrow. Go to bed." He advised "okay papa yoons" i joke which only caused yoongi to roll his eyes. I walk into my room and get into my pyjamas and take my makeup off.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and when I walked out my head ran into a chest "sorry" I say shortly walking past the person but they grabbed my wrist "yunmi" he had a serious look on his face "yes hongjoong?" He continues to look at me but shakes his head "never mind"

I walk back into my room with a confused mind 'what was that about?' I thought I went into bed and tried to sleep, noticed how I said tried, I couldn't sleep (Alexa play insomnia by stray kids) I looked at my phone and it was 3am.

I went downstairs to get a glass of water and then took a seat at the breakfast bar. As I was chilling there I heard footsteps coming down the stairs "who's there?" I call out whoever it was "it's just me hongjoong" he says softly and enters the kitchen also getting a glass of water.

"What are you doing awake at this time?" He asks me and takes the seat next to me "I don't know, just couldn't sleep" I shrug "what about you?" I ask back and he shrugs back "you know they say if you can't sleep for no reason it means someone's thinking of you" he states sipping his water.

"Funny, who would think of me" I laugh "I think of you" he says with all seriousness. I was taken back "we're you thinking of me" he asks shyly. To be honest I was thinking of him the full situation earlier made it hard to keep my mind of him "yes" I breathed out.

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