House Harclay

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Red fox pouncing on a green background.

House Words: 

"The cunning always conquer"



Notable Members:

Lady Amaya Harclay ~ Lady of Blackhollow

Lord Samson Harclay 

(Deceased- Died at the hands of the Mad King) ~ Former Lord of Blackhollow


Lady Summer Harclay (Nee Cerwyn) 

(Deceased- died from old age) ~ Former Lady of Blackhollow


Lord Callum Harclay 

(Deceased- Died in the Greyjoy Rebellion) ~ Former Lord of Blackhollow


Lady Alyra Harclay (Nee Celtalos) 

(Deceased- Died from fever) ~ Former Lady of Blackhollow


Lady Elena Harclay


Warren Harclay

Nephew to Lord Callum, first cousin of Amaya and Elena

Branton Harclay

(Deceased- Stabbed in the back) ~ Banished to the Wall.

Uncle. Lord Callum's younger brother.

House location

The North


House Stark

Defining Features:

Similar to the defining features of House Tully and their red hair and blue eyes, House Harclay members all have rich dark hair and, with the exception of a few members, all Harclay's have have crystal blue eyes that resemble the sky.

But dark hair and blue eyes are not the only defining features. Harclay's, like the Stark's who are raised to be honorable, Harclay's are raised to be sneaky and cunning, just like the fox on their sigil. They're raised to out think and out maneuver their opponents, which makes them gifted strategist and worthy opponents on a battlefield, and a great ally and a dangerous enemy.


The Old Gods.


Blackhollow is located at the edge of the North, on a cliff that overlooks the Sunset Sea and is near Bear Island. It is a large castle that is next to impossible to take, due to its location against the cliff and tall structure.

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