He hopped down, sighing as he walked towards you. With Kinrou's spear, he cut the rope.
"You really do do a terrible job." he quietly said as he untied the knot behind your head. "You should really just stick to music."
Mozu stared at him, trying to contain his possessive impulsion making him want to beat him to a pulp for just showing the least bit of gentleness towards what's his.

"Now you may speak."
"I know you'll join us!" you exclaimed as soon as he said that. "I know you won't kill us!"
"Oh? And why's that?"
"Because if you do, you'll eventually regret it!" you said, looking into his eyes.
"...hmm." he slowly brandished his spear. "Move to the left." he whispered.

Without really questioning it, you took a step aside. The spear went by, close to your head and straight towards Mozu, who blocked his surprise attack with great reflexes.
You glanced at Mozu, and seeing the enraged look on his face, you instinctively stepped back as the two of them started fighting.

"He'll be able to fight a lot better if we're out of the way." Senku said, rushing towards the exit with the others. "Let's move it! (Y/n)!"
You ran towards him. His smile fell when Mozu hit you on the leg with the other end of his weapon, making you fall right on your face. Senku tried to get to you, but Mozu grabbed your ankle and dragged you close to him. He towered you like a dog would protect his food.
"I can't stress this enough." he growled, glaring up at him. "Any of you touch her and your death will be slower than I plan it to be."

You were still processing the pain in your forehead and nose which started to bleed, so you didn't see the look of frustration on Senku's face. Meanwhile, Hyouga tried to strike him from the back, but his attack was blocked again.
"I'll take care of him." Hyouga said.
Senku nodded and ran out.

As soon as you could get up, you tried to get out of here again and again. But every time you were stopped by Mozu and were just pushed on the other side of the room. At least it gave Hyouga an opening every time.
"So focused on keeping her from escaping that you can't concentrate on the fight?" he said. "You won't be able to win like that. You need to fight properly."

One thing led to another, the three of you ended up on the deck. You were trying to catch your breath, looking at the two young men.

"Alright, let's do this properly then." Mozu said. "Indeed you are strong Hyouga. Unfortunately...I may have let you get the idea that you were able to hold your own against me in some way. If (Y/n) wasn't there to distract me, this fight would've probably been over a long time ago." you threw the weapon you had at his face, he caught it effortlessly. "Case and point."
He threw the weapon overboard and charged towards Hyouga, his movements quicker and more brutal than ever. Hyouga was getting out of breath, and it surprised you to see him like that.

"You are strong," Mozu kept going with his monologue. "but your technique reek of the sweat of hard work. It's all too obvious just how much you've slaved over practicing. And unfortunately, even if you spent your whole life training, you'd never be able to beat me. Because I am a genius."
'A prodigy?' you thought. 'And Hyouga isn't one?! That's the most shocking!'
"Unlike you with those fake fangs you created through practice and determination." he continued. "I was the strongest from birth."
From where you were, you couldn't see Hyouga's face. But at this moment, you really wanted to see what expression he had.

Suddenly, he ran over to the edge, grabbing you by the arm, and you both jumped off the edge, you yelling in surprise. Mozu quickly followed you and you began to run as soon as you were back on the island. He was still holding your arm so you could keep up with him.
"You could've left me on the ship!" you said. "Why-?!"
"To make sure he would follow." he simple said. "Now tell me where you can find bamboo on this island."

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