"Why the hell did you pat my head?!"

"See ya, Silly Boy!"

Denki was smiling and laughing on his way out. Shinsou got up and changed. He changed into a purple long sleeve and black shorts. He tied a dark grey hoodie around his waist.

"I swear, Pumpkin! Denki is the most confusing person ever!"

"Even more than Bakugo?"

Shinsou said back to himself, pretending it was Pumpkin.

"Yeah! Crazy, right?"

"Sure is!"

"Well at least I have the cutest kitty ever!"

"Oh, why thank you!"

"You're welcome."

After the 'conversation' with him and Pumpkin, he unpacked his backpack. He looked in his wardrobe and found a good blanket to use. The purple haired teen stuffed it into the backpack.

"I'll see you later, pretty kitty."

Shinsou said to Pumpkin as he left. He went into the kitchen to see Denki preparing the food. Shinsou put three water bottles in the bag. Denki was wearing a pikachu t-short and black skinny jeans.

"Here you go, Silly Boy."


Shinsou blushed slightly as he packed in the food.

"Now that we're done packing, breakfast time!"

Denki exclaimed, putting his arm around Shinsou. He turned tomato red and wore a small smile.

~Time skip to three in the afternoon~

Shinsou and Denki walked out of school grounds hand in hand. Shinsou was wearing the backpack. They had a peaceful walk to the lake. Shinsou listened to Denki ramble on. It was one his favorite past times.

"Oh my gosh! Look, it's a duck!"

Denki yelled and ran off to go see it. Shinsou chased after him.

"Denki, wait! You'll scare it!"

"Fine! Bye bye, cutie!"

Denki was smiling so much Shinsou caught up to him.

"That so much fun! It's feathers were so pretty!"

Shinsou looked into his happy eyes. He wore a small smile. Denki stopped laughing and looked up into Shinsou's eyes.

"What are you lookin' at?"

"N-Nothing! Let's go find a place a place to put down our stuff."

Shinsou stammered and scratched the back of his neck. He walked to a place just far enough away from the lake and Denki helped him lay out the blanket. They both layed down and talked.

"Want to go look for ducks?"

"Hell yeah!"

Denki stood up quickly. Shinsou grabbed the grapes and followed Denki to the lake edge.

"Look for places that are near the lake that have dry spots. Ducks don't have eggs in mud."

A trio of ducks came up to them, quacking away. Denki looked nervous while he gave him a grape.

"It's okay, Denki. Only swans bite. And geese."

Denki reached out his arm, shaking. The duck snatched it and ate it up. It quacked and waddled closer. A huge smile came onto Denki's face.

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