AN Explanation

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Hey lovelies! I wanted to explain why I don't update often. Imma cut straight to it.
I'm autistic. Being around people all day at school is very draining. When it was summer time, I had a lot more energy because quarantine meant a lot less people.

While writing is fun, having to figure out how to convey my ideas in a way that makes sense is hard. I have to write about neurotypicals doing and acting like neurotypicals. After a long day of doing that in a not so fun way, I don't have the energy to write. Also I need to focus on regaining my energy back.

Thanks for reading and understanding! Summer time is coming back soon, so I will be writing a lot more in a few months! Also I'm trying to unmask near a few people so I'm having more energy than usual.

I'm going to explain autism to those you don't really understand so you don't need to read this.

Neurotypicals are people born knowing how to interact with people and express emotion. They smile, have emotions in their eyes, and other body language like that.

Neurodivergent people such as people with ADD, ADHD, and autism are born with different brains. Autistic people aren't born with the ability to communicate naturally so we have to use our energy to seem "normal". This is called masking. So after 10 hours of masking I'm really fucking tired and just want to be alone and sleep. That's why I'm really glad to have a few friends that I can unmask around.

Feel free to ask questions! Its a lot more complicated than that, but that's the basic explanation. Thanks for reading! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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