chapter 2

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*With Sebastian*

Sebastian landed in a large pool of blood and assorted body parts. Seb" What the hell is going on here?!" He found a ladder and climbed out. He once again looked around and saw an open door way. As he hobbled over he saw a door. Once he opened the door he saw a hallway, and a large fan slowly spinning. Once at the end of the hallway he saw that it led into a sewer. Seb" Dammit. Where am I?" After hobbling though different sewer channels he finds himself in what seems to be the hospital. Except he is not alone, he could hear the sadist from before hollering so trying to think fast he hid in a locker. He looked though the slightly broken locker door and saw the sadist break down the door to the room, revved his chain saw a few times as he broke assorted objects in the room. Just as soon as he entered he left the room, though he could still be herd. Seb" He's not leaving?"Seb left the locker and walked into a hallway that was connected to a room, that on further inspection lead to another room. The sadist was in the first room raging with his chain saw. Seb" I can't let him see me."

*With Cassie*

Cassie continued to walk down assorted hallways, all were of an old hospital, decrepit and hazardous. Then she heard something behind her, she held her gun tighter and turned around, nothing was there. Cassie locked around more, still nothing was there. Cassie, confused continued to walk down the hallway she was on till she herd the cackling of a mad man. She turned around to see the man that had attacked her before, standing only feet away cackling She raised her gun when suddenly as she went to shoot pain shot though her head, crippling her. She fell to the floor, griping her head tightly. Cassie" W-What is this!?" The man walked closer and said" It's because you're different from the others here." Cassie" What?" The man lifted her head and smiled before saying." You know who I am, and my work. Don't you?" Cassie was confused at first then it hit her. She knew him, his name, what he had done, his past, everything. Cassie" W-What the Hell is this!?" Ruvik was the name of this man. Ruvik placed his hand on her head, sending pain all though her body. Her body felt like it was not only being slowly ripped apart muscle by muscle but being hit with acid that was being set on fire. Soon she blacked out from the pain, limp on the floor.

*With Seb*

Seb made his way past the sadist, in such a close call he could feel every hair on his neck stand on edge. He continued on his way through the hospital, seeing an elevator at the end of the hall. He began to make his way there till he herd the sadist slam open the door, sending it flying. Seb" Shit!" He hobbled as fast as he could down the hall and around wheelchairs and beds. He just made it into the elevator as the sadist was about to cut Seb's leg clean off, only getting the door. He attempted to cut the door open but to no avail as the elevator started going up. Seb reached into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes to find it empty. He chucked it to the side, clearly aggravated. Once the elevator stopped he got up and left. Walking down the hallway but the peace was shattered by the building shaking, windows shattering. Seb started running full speed down the hall and out the hospital. He looked around seeing the city falling apart when suddenly an absence drove up, with Connolly driving. Connolly" Detective get in!" The ambulance was about to fall so Connolly started driving thus Seb had to run to get in the passenger window. Connolly was driving frantically though the city, narrowly making it though. Seb looked in the back of the ambulance to see Kidman along with the doctor Joe found with what seemed to be a patient. Seb was instantly concerned. Seb" Where the hell is Joseph and Cassie!?"

*With Cassie*

Cassie was laying on a bed in an unfamiliar room dreaming. A voice called out to her. It was late one night, but not just any night. It was Christmas Eve, Cassie was sitting alone in her living room thinking about the past. When there was a knock on the door. She got up to see who it was and to her surprise it was Sebastian. Seb" Um hey. I was just wondering if you were busy." Cassie" Not at all. Come on in." Seb" You sure?" Cassie nodded. Seb walked in and Cassie shut the door. It had been about a year now that Cassie was part of the team with Seb and Joe. Seb" No family party?" Cassie" Nope." They walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. Seb" I know it's customary to bring some wine or something but-" Cassie" You're recovering. Don't worry its fine. I don't drink anyways." Seb" Oh?" Cassie" Yep." Seb" I didn't know." Cassie" I'm surprised you aren't with Joe." Seb" He's celebrating with family so I didn't want to interrupt. But you said you live alone so I figured two lonely people could spend it together?" Cassie" I think that's a great idea. I certainly don't mind the company." Seb chuckled as Cassie smiled. Time past as the two talked about work to their past. Seb about his wife and daughter and Cassie about her brother and mother. Suddenly in the middle of such a nice memory Cassie bolted awake, siting up then feeling sharp pain in her leg and side she fell back in the sudden wave of pain hit. Cassie was confused, looking around the room then looking at the source of the pain. Barb wire was wrapped around her stomach and her left leg.

*With Seb*

Connolly" I don't know, we waited but they never came out." Seb thought "Great! Now where are they?!" The patient with the doctor in the back of the ambulance started to muter something. Seb looked in the mirror and saw the man that attacked him standing in the back, but when he turned to look better he was gone. Seb was confused, where did the man go? Lesly, the patient began to muter "Fall" over and over again, each time increasing volume till he yelled it at the same time the ambulance began to fall off a cliff side. Everyone began to float at the gravity was altered by the falling but also by some unknown force. Soon it came to a crashing halt.

(thanks for reading. This chapter has been edited again.)

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