Chapter 11

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I think she liked the gesture of the clothes. She looks a little overwhelmed. But she's worth it. Whilst money was a bit tighter than usual what with Dad's medical bills to pay, normally I lived a pretty comfortable life.

Whilst I wasn't happy that she had learned about my boxing and the competition, her reaction surprised me. She knew what cage fighting was and yet it hadn't scared her off. What might scare her off though was me being too dominant. She liked it on stage but I sensed she wasn't so keen on the heavier stuff. I hadn't meant to hurt her and that made me feel shit. But I needed to get her to understand that she was beautiful and perfect in my eyes. I wouldn't have her see herself in any other way.

We needed to get out of the apartment, spend some time doing something she would like, and allow her to see that I could be cultured and sophisticated. She needed to see other sides of me than the guy who screwed her on stage. But the truth was all I wanted was to fuck her all day and into the early hours. But her body which I could tell wasn't used to this much physical working needed some rest.

I called my buddy Joel who ran a trendy new gallery in East London and asked for us to have a private tour, after that, I'd take her for a delicious lunch at a small french brasserie.

I wondered what she'd decide to wear. If my guess was right she'd likely choose to cover-up that beautiful body of hers. She wasn't body confident. Why? I had no idea. I would worship her body if she let me. She likely had some shitty boyfriends her age who didn't know how to take care of her and in doing so her confidence got crushed. She must have guys asking her out all the time. That I would not be happy about. But she didn't seem the scheming type and I think she is genuinely interested in me.

I heard her footsteps on the stairs. She was dressed in tight dark blue jeans that hugged her incredible arse, a cream blouse that she had tucked in, knee-high boots with a heel, and carried one of the brown leather handbags. She'd done her makeup and hair and she looked beautiful.

"I hope this is ok? You never said where we were going today." She looked a little uncomfortable.

"You look beautiful and perfect." She visibly relaxed. I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Hmmm something's missing." She looked confused.

"Come here." I took her hand and walked her towards the kitchen counter where I had left a small box for her to open.

She looked at it and then back at me. Her delicate fingers worked it open to reveal a gold necklace with a dangling pendant with the letter B. A smile crept over her face. She liked it!

"What did I do to deserve this?"
"Does a guy need a reason to buy a beautiful girl a present?" She blushed.
Good at least she had accepted it. She pulled it out of the box and handed it to me to put on her. I examined her delicate neck thinking of how good she smelt when I kissed her the first time. She had an effect on me, almost a craziness.  No other woman had done this to me, it was bordering on obsession. To me, she was simply intoxicating. I kissed her cheek and she smiled again.

"Thank you," she said in a whisper.
"All my pleasure Belle."

I took her hand and we headed outside where I hailed a black cab. She sat silently staring out the window. Every so often she would stare at me.
Her hand reached for mine, I took it in mine gently rubbing her knuckles with my other hand.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll soon see." She rolled her eyes playfully.

We arrived just outside the gallery and I saw her clock the art work hanging in the window.

Once out of the cab I took her hand and lead her to the door. I hope she liked it. I didn't know much about art. The last thing I wanted to do was come across uncultured.

My phone pinged. It was Jonny, my younger brother. He was a lost soul. Dad had done his best by us, but raising two boys on his own would have been a challenge for any parent. To say we weren't easy was an understatement. At least I had channelled my angst at the world into something productive. I liked to smash things up but Jonny liked to gamble. When he'd started as a teenager he won a lot. He was a natural at maths. Out smarting players twice his age. But soon he got greedy and fell in with the wrong crowd, small time gangsters and thief's. He'd been in an out of trouble but his latest escapade was on another level. Whilst drunk he'd agreed to a game with a local gangster Tommy Fisher. He lost and now owed a shit load of money. They beat him up bad when he said he didn't have it. I said I'd deal with it, like I always did but even £60k was high by my standards. I didn't have that kind of cash easily available and I was reluctant to start pulling money out of my investments and essentially my retirement. Dad also had large medical bills and everything was piling up.

The Voyeurist Club gave me a little earner but I needed money quick and Belle was the only woman I wanted to fuck now. The easiest way would be to fight again. When I told Jonny I was coming out of retirement he wept. He knew how much I hated to fight, how dangerous it was.

"It's the last time I'm bailing you out Jonny. I'm too old for this shit. You're going to rehab now and then you're moving away with Sandra and the kids. You're gonna use those accountancy qualifications to good use and you're getting yourself a dam job. You're going to grow up and take care of your family. Do you hear me? Regular meetings, keeping on top of your health." He cried and nodded. I'd never seen him like this before.

Got a job in St Albans and found a nice small house to rent. Girls and Sandy love it. Signing contract today. Love you J x

Having completed his rehab programme he was a changed man. He went to regular meetings and spoke openly about his addiction. Sandra had been his rock. A new start where nobody knew them would be exactly what they needed.

Once inside the gallery Belle's eyes lit up. A large grin spread across her face.
"I hope this is ok? I wasn't sure what kind of art you were into."
"This is perfect, I love it, thank you." Something about being around her lifted me. For the first time in a very long time I felt excited about what the future might hold. All I had to do was get through the fight and win it.

Sorry my chapter updates are so slow. Life is very busy for me and I struggle to make time to write. But I promise I will try and post more regularly. Thanks for all you votes and lovely comments. You're such great readers. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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