A party of fools

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Louis pondered silently about the prospect of Legoshi attending a party. It seemed unlikely, given his penchant for avoiding frivolous fun. However, when he learned that Legoshi would be accompanied by the esteemed beastar, his interest was piqued. Although he had severed ties with the Shishigumi, the information still intrigued him. Legoshi had a knack for finding trouble, and the news of him attending a high-class mask party with the beastar himself compelled Louis to investigate. His curiosity overcame him, and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry for the wolf.

Under the cover of darkness, Louis found himself navigating the bustling city towards the party location. The vibrant neon shop signs cast an enchanting glow in the night, illuminating the streets with their dazzling sheen. The street lamps created captivating shadows on the sidewalk, emphasizing the stark contrast in size between carnivores and herbivores. Louis resisted the urge to pause and admire the sights, focusing instead on reaching the elusive party. As a gust of wind rustled his fur, the chill in the air sent a shiver down his spine, urging him to quicken his pace. Clad in a meticulously tailored black suit with a crisp white tie, Louis knew he looked the part, a testament to his affluent status. There was no way he would be denied entry.


This must be the place," Louis murmured to himself as he stood before the Champion Cafe. Its unassuming exterior masked the true nature of the establishment, a mere facade for what truly transpired inside. After scrutinizing the cafe for a moment, he decided to venture in. A rhinoceros greeted him, diligently wiping a glass with a smile. However, something felt off.

"What was the password again?" Louis racked his brain, trying to recall the elusive phrase.

"Can I assist you?" the rhino inquired, noticing Louis's frustrated expression. Louis remained silent, fixated on the floor as he struggled to remember. It was a rather foolish sight. Suddenly, his ears perked up, and his gaze locked with the rhino's.

"One red mixed juice, please," Louis blurted out.

Surprised, the rhino abandoned his glass-wiping duties and eagerly placed the glass on the counter.

"Follow me," the rhino beckoned, leading Louis toward a door adjacent to the counter. Intrigued, Louis followed closely behind.

Arriving at the door, the rhino withdrew a key from his pocket, swiftly unlocking it and pocketing the key once more. As he grasped the door handle, his eyes scanned Louis, scrutinizing him like a carnivore eyeing its prey. Perplexed by this unsettling gaze, Louis tilted his head, his brow furrowing."Can I help you?" he questioned, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice. He needed to maintain his composure to secure entry."How old are you?" the rhino casually inquired, adopting an oddly familiar tone, as though conversing with a friend rather than a stranger.

"I prefer not to disclose personal information," Louis retorted, his tone measured and professional, revealing none of his internal unease.

"Right, my apologies for prying," the rhino's manner of speaking shifted, now assuming a more respectful tone befitting an adult conversation.After the awkward exchange, the door swung open, emitting a faint squeak. Without hesitation, Louis stepped inside, and the rhino swiftly locked the door behind him. There was no turning back now.Louis stood at the top of a flight of stairs, their descent leading him to the bouncer stationed at the entrance to the party. From his vantage point, he realized that he was about to enter a gathering organized by criminals.

Even before entering the main area, he could sense the palpable atmosphere of the party. A flutter of butterflies stirred in his stomach; he knew little about the event, save for its likely illegality. Being recognized would spell disaster for him, especially without a mask.

"Perhaps they offer rentals?" he mused to himself.

"I hope none of the gangs are present. I cannot afford to be recognized," he whispered under his breath.

With each step down the stairs, Louis drew closer to the realm of debauchery that awaited him—a party teeming with inebriated revelers and untamed souls, where identities dissolved, and all actions, no matter how foolish, would dissipate with the morning light. Even justice itself dared not penetrate these walls. Yet, he needed to understand what Legoshi was up to; an insatiable desire drove him to comprehend the life of a beastar.

"You're a herbivore, you can pass through," the bouncer, an imposing polar bear, declared, his sheer stature causing Louis to gulp. Muscular and formidable, capable of rending anyone asunder, the bear's words hung in the air.

"Oh, and if you lack a mask, you can rent one from the wardrobe inside. I can tell you're new by the look on your face. Just ensure you don't go too wild, or I'll intervene," the bear added.

"Understood," Louis replied, opening the door and stepping into the party. As the door closed behind him, he was finally inside. A leopard greeted him, shining a flashlight in his face.

"Ayeee, you're new around here?" the leopard asked.

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