"I want to make you a proposition."

"This should be good," I thought to myself.

I heard a sigh in my mind. "It will be good, doctor. I assure you of that."

I wanted to slap myself, forgetting that the bastard could obviously hear my thoughts as well. "What could you possibly offer me that would be any good? In case you don't recall, you tried to murder me."

"But I didn't, did I? I must admit, Dr. Dreis, you are quite impressive. Even after seeing what you had been doing with the bacta, I wasn't sure if you would survive that blow or not. Your research proved to be beneficial, and I want to give you the option of having free reign to experiment and test that research. The resources that we have exponentially outweigh what I know you have now at your miniscule rebel base. Imagine what you could do."

I paused, truly not believing what I was hearing. I stood, slowly walking to stand in front of the mirror. "You're asking me to join the First Order...?"

"I'm asking you to join me." He said it as if it were a completely normal request. "You could have anything you needed to make more supplements. Infinite resources at your fingertips. Your professional dream would be a reality."

"And what of my other dream, then? My dream of the First Order falling to its death and the Resistance rising once again?"

A deep laugh echoed off my skull. "You'll quickly realize that the Resistance is all a sham. A weak, sad excuse for a republic that stands no chance against our forces, regardless of what your dear general tells you."

I don't know how to explain it, but I felt like I was no longer alone in the room. As I faced the mirror, looking into my green irises, I could feel Kylo Ren's presence behind me, as if his spirit in my head was somehow embodied in the room with me. "It really is an offer that you can't afford to refuse, Sienna. Not if you want this experiment of yours to continue. I want you by my side, continuing your work while helping me become the leader that this galaxy needs."

It was my turn to laugh as anger bubbled in my chest. "You? A Leader? Kylo Ren, you are nothing but a puppet. And you think I'd actually hand my supplement research over to you? Do it for you? Hell, why don't I just whip up a batch for your puppeteer Snoke then, hmm? You disgust me, and I will forever be amazed at how you turned out so wretched while your parents were so good. So, you can take your offer and shove it up your ass next to Snoke's puppeteer hand because I will never be a pawn in the Order's game."

As the anger grew, I realized it was not only my own, but his as well. I was shaking with the combined rage, glaring at myself in the mirror, but I felt that he could see me and knew the look was directed to him.

"You self-righteous bitch. You'll regret this decision very soon. Once I take down the Resistance and figure out the supplement myself, maybe I'll force feed it to your precious pilot and make you watch as I continuously torture him. He wouldn't have to die, but I'll make sure he endures every kind of pain a human can stand until he is begging me to kill him. Perhaps I'll even add my mother in too, since you're so fond of her." I could hear the snarl in his voice and could clearly picture it on his scarred face.

"Fuck you, puppe-"

I wasn't able to finish my insult before an invisible force pushed me forward into the mirror. It was as if a hand had gripped the back of my head, slamming it forward into the glass. I stumbled back with wide eyes, holding my forehead as I looked at the broken web of glass now stretching across my mirror. How did he just do that?

My mind felt empty and hollow. Ren's presence was no longer there, allowing me to take my first full breath in however long since he had shown up. Removing my hand, a red knot had formed at my hairline, but there was no blood. Just then, there was a knock at my door.

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