Chapter II: The 'Time Shatter' Event

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After holding each other for a while, The two siblings finally broke out of their embrace. They agreed on going to the Vault that the Clock was contained in to see their parents.

Duratiour quickly took the lead, flying back to their home and gesturing Horaton to follow her. They both hurried back as fast as they could, with Duratiour needing to slow down her pace to let Horaton catch up while also keeping up their pace.

Shortly from their arrival, they searched around the house for the shortcut to the Vault. They eventually found the shortcut, except that it seemed a bit unstable, so they thought they'd better be careful when they entered it.

Duratiour stepped in first to see if it is truly too unstable to walk across. 'It seems to be safe enough,' she concluded.

She then called out to her brother, "The shortcut seems safe enough to walk through!"

So, Horaton entered the shortcut and began to walk down the path with his sister.

They carefully walked down the path, observing for any cracks on the walls or anything similar to that. As they continued on the path, Duratiour heard a small sound from the wall beside them causing her to feel a bit suspicious.

She told her brother,"I think there might be a small problem in the wall beside us-" As she was saying that, the wall beside them began to crack open causing a hole to appear. When they saw this, it made them jump away from that wall.

They managed to evade the possibly getting a limb trapped under falling debris. They paused for a second to take a breather, being relieved that they had managed to avoid that.

After their short break, they continued on their way to the Vault and tried to keep their morales up because they were soon to reach the Vault. Slowly they saw light, signaling that they were close to the surface and the forest where the Vault was contained.

A gentle gust of wind hit the siblings' face, and they spotted a large group of humans in the distance, who Horaton wasn't so fond of.

So they followed them, wondering if the humans were immune to the effect of the forest.

Duratiour continued observing and counted the numbers of humans. It seemed like not all of them were there.

She pondered, "Hm? Why aren't all of the humans together?"

The humans stopped on their tracks, a singular human in the front began talking about something.

The human exclaimed to the party, "Soon our lord will have the device of time, and thanks to him we can enter this forest with no problem."

The human then held up a device to it's comrades and they cheered for some reason. The human put the device back into the bag and told their comrades that their lord was waiting for them as the lord already went ahead.

So the humans marched on, continuing on the path to the Clock where they can meet up with the lord and the other people. As they went, Duratiour and her brother followed them.

They continued their pursuit, getting deeper into the forest and closer to the Clock. Horaton then suggested that maybe they should try to divert the humans' attention to slow them down, in which his sister agreed to and began to try and distract the humans.

Horaton grabbed a nearby rock and threw it behind the group. One of the humans turned their head and saw nothing.

"Huh, I guess I'm just hearing things," muttered the human.

Shortly later, the humans heard a loud thump somewhere nearby, which startled the whole group.

A human spoke their concern to the human in the front, "Uh, boss. I think there might be a wild beast out here."

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