Chapter 1

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You laid in bed, staring at the hospital-white ceiling, wondering what you should do to liven the space up. Maybe you should paint a mural? A voice jolted you out of your thoughts.

"Are you dead?" Naomi asked.

"What?" you said.

"I was just saying that that artist you like has an ice cream competition. It's all over Instagram. There's a prize, too."


"It's like a collaboration with him or something. You should submit something."

"I probably won't. If it's all over Instagram, then hundreds of people have already submitted something. Plus, I don't even like ice cream all that much," you huffed.

"It's worth a try! Who knows, maybe you'll win and get to meet him!" Naomi gushed.

You rolled your eyes. You weren't the lucky type by any means, you thought as you  looked at the busted bike halfway across the room which broke halfway on the way home that day. A competition with such low stakes and a high reward wasn't all that bad, though. 

"Nothing bad'll happen if I just submit something," you thought.

"Send me the link, and I'll check it out. See ya later." you waved Naomi off.

Seconds later, your phone dinged. It was the link to the contest. You scrolled through a small blurb.

"I've always wanted to make an ice cream, and now I have the chance to. But I want to make something that my friends and fans can enjoy as well, so I decided to do just that. Submit a flavor and we'll pick the best. The winner gets to collaborate with Tyler on his newest project." 

You shrugged and scrolled to the submission box, but began to hesitate. The only flavor of ice cream you liked was mint, but it usually tasted like toothpaste. Your only other choice was chocolate but that had to have been overdone. Carelessly, you typed:

Mint ice cream with white chocolate. No toothpaste flavor, though.

You typed in your email, blushing at the embarrassing name, and submitted the ice cream flavor. 

"There's no chance I could win," you laughed, plugging your phone in. 

You weren't that lucky.

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