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You were basically a kid. A 15 years old girl, leaving in the servant section of the huge villa owned by one of the most powerful men of the country. You were a normal kid, who went to school and came back home to spend the rest of the time studying. You didn't have much of a choice, since you weren't allowed to walk around the villa. You couldn't even go in the other rooms of the servant dormitory.

One night, you couldn't sleep so you sat in the kitchen, looking at the garden outside the window. That exact night, you saw the gates of the garden open and two cars followed by a truck entered the garden, stopping at the back of the villa. You quickly ran out of the room and went to the back garden, hiding behind the plants to spy what was happening. You saw the owner of the house, Mr. Kwon, walking out of the villa to greet the men that had just arrived. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but at some point you saw him shaking hands with one of the strangers, who then said something to one of his men. Said man went to the truck, and with some help from other people, they took out two cages, covered by cloths. From how heavy they seemed, you were sure there was something inside. They brought the cages in the basement from a secret door. You wanted to see more, but you were afraid of getting caught, so that night you ran back to your room before anyone could see you outside, or before you father noticed you were awake.

The day after, right back from school, you tried to walk around the garden, but the whole place was crowded by guests and servants during the day, and every time someone noticed you around, they ordered or forced you to go back inside. You were too curious to give up, so you waited for the night, to try again.

When it was dark outside, and everyone was already sound asleep, you sneaked out of the place and walked to the back garden. You noticed an old door half hidden behind some plants. When you tried to open it, you weren't surprised to find it locked. Lucky for you, at school you enjoyed playing tricks on the other students, and you used your father's tools to open their lockers. You took one of those tools out of your pocket, and tried working on the lock. Soon enough, you managed to open the door, and you hurried inside. You found yourself in a long and dark corridor, poorly illuminated by a few candles on the walls. You walked to the end of the corridor, where you found another door, which surprisingly wasn't locked.

You walked inside and looked around the room. It wasn't a small room, bu it wasn't big either. There was a big table next to another door at the other side of the room. Next to the table there were some strage tools, and a sink. Next to you, there were the two cages, one on your left and one on your right. They were both still covered with the cloths. You slowly approached one and tried to lift the cloth, when suddenly whatever was inside the cage growled at you, startling you. From the sound you realized it was an animal. You tried again and finally lifted the material, despite the growls coming from the cage. The first thing you noticed were two big shiny eyes, then you noticed the black fur and the big fangs that the panther was showing you in a threatening way. The animal suddenly jumped forward and tried to reach to you sliding his big paw between the bars. You jumped back just before his claws met your flesh. Something started to move from the other cage as well, and you heard another growl and a bark. The noises probably alarmed someone, and you heard voices coming from the door next to the table. Panicking, you gave one last glance at the panther and then quickly ran away from where you came, trying not to make too much noise.

That night you managed to not get caught, but the discovery of what was in the cage, was too shocking to make you feel relieved. What was in the other cage? Another panther? Why were those animals there? Why did Mr. Kwon get such animals? Why was he keeping them in the basement? There were too many questions and no answers.

The following night you went there again, but the two cages were empty. Maybe Mr. Kwon put them somewhere else. He was rich, maybe he wanted to have his own zoo in the house. You tried walking around to any place he could have built a zoo, but you found nothing.

on your side ; ateezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora