part 2

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It was a lovely day outside and Setsuno was sharpening his knife when suddenly, he dropped the knife, causing it to hit a marble, the marble then rolled through a hole in the wall. Setsuno didn't pay any mind to it and continued sharpening his knife.
The marble rolled into Rappas room and hit a button, causing his alarm clock to go off, he then got up screaming and bursted into a room, screaming.
Hari was sitting at the table eating oranges when Rappa burst through the door, getting wall dust on his orange slices. Hari looked at Rappa and sighed, grabbing mimic and throwing him at Rappa.
A few seconds later Mimic exploded, causing Koolaid to fly everywhere and on Hari's oranges. He got so mad that his oranges were messed up that he screamed so loudly he turned into a duck.
The Koolaid dripped onto the floor making the floor slippery, Kai heard the noise and walked in, wondering what the fuck happened and he slipped on the Koolaid, falling on his ass.
Nemoto ran after him, trying to make sure he was okay but alas he slipped too and caused the oranges to spill on the floor.
Hari was making honking sounds when Tabe ran through the door, targeting the oranges and eating them, accidentally eating the floor too.
Yu chased after Tabe, grabbing him and trying to stop him from eating the floor when a piece of wall hit Deidoros bottle of sake causing it to spill and you could hear scream sobbing from downstairs.
Eri was hanging from a fan, singing the big time rush opening and Tengai was passed out on the ground because that song triggered a curse that someone put on him.
Katsukame then screamed so loud it broke the walls, causing them to fall and Kill everyone but Setsuno, The End.

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