[5] oh no

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"Looks like we're performing fourth in the talent show." Pete says, holding the schedule in his hands.

As the goths and I traversed our way into the hallway, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I mean, nobody really cared, or nonetheless had anything to do with me. But deep down, I felt the urge to remain hidden, as if I could feel everybody judging me for being with the goth kids.

Surely, it was probably just my anxiety acting up, and nobody really payed attention to me. Right?

We made our way back to the spot behind the school, underneath the garage roof. Once we stepped foot outside, the goths automatically pull out their cigarettes and begin to light them, as if by instinct.

"I was thinking we could have a rehearsal today, if anyone's free." Michael starts. "I mean, we only have until next week to make sure we don't fuck anything up."

Everyone nods in agreement, signifying that they were all available.

"Whose place will it be held at?" I ask.

The goths exchange glances with each other, unsure.

Henrietta raises a hand. "I guess mine. My parents aren't home today, which means no more abuse for now." She rolls her eyes in annoyance. "You guys could come over after school, at whatever time you want I guess."

I wanted to mentally take a shot every time Henrietta talked shit about her parents.

"See you fuckers there." Firkle commented, quietly playing with a spider he found on the stairs.


I sigh quietly, sipping the last few drops of coffee in my mug. It was the end of the school day, and I was exhausted as fuck. I officially skipped all of my classes. Ayo, bad student check.

I spot a group of girls chatting with each other beside my locker, twirling their hair, and laughing like a bunch of fucking idiots. I bet they were talking about some random gossip shit that will never become important to anyone but themselves.

I ignore them, unlocking my locker and pulling out my coat and books. After gathering my things, I slam the locker door shut, and locked it again.

I felt somebody poke my shoulder. "Excuse me." I could already tell it was one of the conformist girls chatting beside me, just by the way her voice sounded.

I spin around innocently. "Yes?" I respond.

The girl had very bright features, and long, curly, brunette hair. Three of her friends were beside her, all having a very similar fashion sense.

"You're the new kid, right?" She asks, flashing a bright smile at me.

I scratch my neck nervously. "Y-Yeah." I tried my best not to panic.

"Cool! Haha, we saw you with the weird emo kids earlier." One of her friends adds, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are they scary? They seem scary."

"Oh- the goth kids?" I lowered my gaze at the floor. "I don't find them scary." I mutter, silently regretting saying anything.

I hear one of the girls chuckle. "You seem so shy, I wonder how you were able to befriend them." Her statement was followed by additional laughter from her friends. There were small whispers that were audible enough to hear. "Like, did one of them like you or something? Or did you just befriend then by coincidence?"

"I swear, the tall one is kinda hot!" One of them added.

I flash them a fake smile, ignoring everything they had said. "Yeah, I wonder. I'm not exactly sure.." I stare at my invisible watch. "Well, I'm sorry, I need to get going. Bye." Without giving them any time to respond, I dash my way into the hallway.

That was the worst interaction I've had so far.


Pushing the large double doors, I attempt to catch my breath.

I notice a figure outside. They were leaning back, with one foot against the wall.

It was Pete.

Oh boy-

He notices me, and I give him a small awkward wave. To add to the awkwardness, he didn't wave back. I wonder what he was doing here.

We were both silent, only glaring at each other with confused glances.

"I heard your little chat over there." He says, flipping his hair. "Good grief, I can't believe you ran into the cheerleaders."

No doubt, something about their bubbly personality and beaming features really emphasized that fact. "Oh." I retort, my hands trembling. "Yeah that was really weird, I apologize-"

He stares at me, observing my reactions. "Look, just because I overheard them doesn't mean I believe any of their assumptions about you." He plays with the lighter in his hand, igniting it, only to blow out the flame.

After a brief pause, Pete gazes away from me. "I trust you enough, that's all." He grabs his backpack, and stuffs his lighter back into his pocket. "If you're not going anywhere, we can head to Henrietta's house early."

A small blush appears on my face, flattered from the statement, but also shocked that he switched subjects so quickly.

"Okay, that sounds fine." I answer. Fidgeting with my backpack straps, I mutter out a small, "Thanks."

Suddenly, Pete approaches me, placing his hand on my head. It was a tad bit cold, but his fingertips were warm from the contact with the lighter. Realizing his sudden actions, he pulls his hand away, wearing a terrified expression.

"Sorry- that was just- fucking weird-" His switches between gazing at my head, and his hand.

As if by instinct, I place my hand on his head. His hair was surprisingly really soft.

"It's alright." I say, releasing my hand from his head. 

Pete turns around, walking forward. I couldn't observe his reactions since his back was turned towards me but he didn't seem to be too shocked. "Okay, let's go." Was all he said.

I trail behind him, still embarrassed from the head pats. Fuck, why did I do that? That wasn't cool at all.

I wanted to apologize, but I thought it would be best to just shrug it off for now.

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