|| Chapter 8 ||

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You were crouch down smiling at the boy who still had his eyes clench close but not feeling and hearing anything bad happening he hesitantly open his eyes to see you smiling at him.

"Neh~You good?~" You ask smiling brightly as Atsushi was now confused.

"Jeez, you know I figure the kid was stupid just not that stupid" Kunikida commented as they all stood behind you.

Atsushi slowly sat up with him still having the bomb on his hands as he look at all of you confuse as Dazai smiled.

"He even has the talent to become a suicidal maniac, wouldn't you agree with me Tanzaki?" Your brother said as he look at the bomber who was peeking behind Kunikida and look at Atsushi.

"Sorry are you okay?"

Atsushi blinked as he was now at a lost on what just happened but then he look at you and was taken a back by the seductive look you gave him.

"Atsu-chan~" You called out making him blush at the way you called out his name as you then grab his hands.

"Would you do me the honors and join me on a double suici---"

Before you could even finish the sentence Kunikida grab the back of your collar and tug you away from Atsushi who was now a blushing mess.

"Enough with that suicide!!" Kunikida scolded you as you pout at him.

"Big brother!!" Naomi's voice called out as she embraces Tanzaki.

"Please tell me you're alright?~"

Which made Atsushi more confuse as he stared at the two "You were so wonderful as the villain, I believe every second of it. I have the time of my life being tied up! And I love how intense and dangerous it felt. Please promise me will continue what we left off once we get home~" She flaunted all over Tanzaki.

"So she was in on the entire thing too?" Atsushi asks bitterly

"You mad? If you're upset you should blame these two or yourself after all you choose these idiots to help you find work" Kunikida spoke

"Wait does that mean this is the job?" Atsushi asks

"It sure is~"

"We told you there was a test involve"

Both you and your brother grin at the boy "As in an entrance exam?" Atsushi asks

"Exactly right" An older man's voice spoke.

"The exam has been completed without any complications president"

"I see"

"President?" Atsushi muttered out surprise.

A man with a stern expression walks in as he look at Atsushi "The twins came into my office saying they're work has brought them in contact with a capable young man but I needed more than their words so I had them test you mettle"

"You did well~" You said as you grin at him.

"We brought up the idea that the agency hire you but since he's been designated a major threat throughout the ward there was disagreement as whether we should take you in" Dazai explained.

"Then the two of them asked me a question" The president said as he recall the three of you's conversation in his office.


"Neh Yuki?" You called as he look at you and your brother that stood in front of his desk

"What if the most gifted person in the world came into your office wanting to work here. Would you hire them?" Both of you ask in chorus.

"Power alone doesn't make one fit to be the member of the Agency" The president stated

As both you and your brother smiled at him confidently "and that's exactly why we're recommending him"


"With that in mind are you ready to make your decision?" Kunikida asks glancing at the president as you all waited for what he was going to say.

The President glance at you and Dazai as you gave him a cheeky grin he almost lost his stern face and turn away as he simply said.

"I'll let the twins decide" and walks out.

"You can trust us sir"

"Hold on [Y/n], Dazai this happening all to fast. Does that mean the job you two told me about this morning was....." Atsushi trailed off.

"You apparently pass the test" Your brother stated as you two look back at Atsushi with a smile

You grin and walked up to him placing a hand on top of his head.

"Welcome To the Armed Detective Agency, Atsushi Nakajima"

Atsushi look at you surprise and didn't move as the Tanzaki siblings congratulated him but it look likes he snap out from his day dreaming.

"Wait no no no this job is way to violent for me, you people are completely reckless" Atsushi stated as you brother smiles at him.

"Yet your the one who threw yourself on a bomb to protect the rest of us, that takes a special kind of person"

"You know he's right, I can't believe how brave you were" Naomi agrees.

You smiled and turn back to Atsushi and patted his shoulder "You'll do fine working here Atsu-chan~ But.........." You trailed off making him look at you questionably.

"Now obviously we can't force you to join"

"But if you don't there are a lot of consideration that cause us to worry for your future"

"You'll have vacate your present agency own living accommodations---"

"You don't really have specialize skill nor do you have friends or any person contacts in the city----"

"That will make finding a job very difficult---"

"And let's not forget you are a wanted tiger with a bounty on your head---"

"Should anyone discover that personal detail,you'd get fired---"

"Or worst you'd be capture,tied up,and may be shot dead"

"S-SHOT DEAD!?!?" Atsushi freaked out as you nudge your brother sides from going too far

But you two them smiled smugly at Atsushi as you both said in chorus "Buuut~ If you were with the Agency~ It would be a much happier story~"

Meanwhile the others who were watching shook their heads at the twins as Kunikida scowled at the both of you's persuasion to let Atsushi join.

"So I'm stuck here" Atsushi said glaring at you two

"Welcome aboard were excited to work with you Atsushi!~ Isn't that right sweet brother~?" Naomi smile as hugs his brother.

"Remember to follow the rules rookie" Kunikida orders

"Well I'm glad its settle" Both you and your brother spoke smiling at the boy who let out a sigh

"oh brother"


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