"Maybe. We find out about that internship today, so–"

"YES." Ned stops me. "Oh, I'm so excited." He beams. I raise an eyebrow at him. "What, aren't you?"

"I'm more scared than anything." I sigh as I stuff my hands in my pockets. "If I get it and they find out about my secret, I'm dead." I whisper to him with raised eyebrows.

"Yikes." Ned hisses a breath in with clenched teeth. "I guess we'll find out." He shrugs as we walk into first period. Ned sits in the back of the class, while I was sat at the front.

I plop my bag down on the ground beside my chair and take my seat, my mind deep in thought. Even if I do get this internship, I can't accept it! It's too risk, isn't it? I mean, I did apply, so...

Who am I kidding—there's no way I'm even getting offered the internship! I'm probably overthinking all of this for no reason at all.

"Good morning, students." Mr. Harrison waves a hand to the board, where "STARK INTERNSHIP" is still written in big, bold letters. "So, we received feedback from Mr. Stark's review of the applications. Please, before I say anything—know that this was chosen out of the entirety of the student body that applied. So, if you didn't get chosen, please don't feel bad for yourself. Now, unfortunately, he only decided to choose one applicant to join his team." The class all deflates immediately, as if they already know none of them were accepted.

"Who got it?" Flash calls out from the other side of the room. "Tell us!"

"Yeah, come on!" The rest of the class shouts in retaliation.

"Okay, okay!" The teacher waves his hands around to calm down the class. "It was Peter."

Everyone tenses up. "Penis?" Flash scoffs, his eyebrows raised higher than the Empire State Building.

"Yes, Peter." Harrison smiles proudly at me, then attempts to start a pitiful applause. No one else joins. I sit there in shock, my jaw practically on the floor.

Me? Of all people?! I flip around and make panicked eye contact with Ned.

"You start after school." Harrison finishes with a clap of his hands. He wanders over and leaves a sheet of paper on my desk. "Now, class, turn to page..."

My mind is chuckled far, far away from the classroom as my mind weaves in and out of all the dangers I now find myself in. I am going to be working mano-e-mano with New York's finest superheroes.

What have I gotten myself in to?

The paper in front of me stores information on where to go and who to see after school, as well as an acceptance letter from Stark himself.

Am I insane?!

We go through the rest of the school day like usual, my mind still stuck in a heavy cloud of thoughts. Ned won't shut about the internship, no matter how many times I ask him to. Lunch goes by, and the next thing we know, it's the end of the day.

Looking down at the paper, I see at the top of the schedule that it says '2:30 PM - Pick up with Happy.'

Happy? Does he have some kind of moral requirement?

How'd You Get This Number? // mamaspiderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora