Chapter 1: The Beginning

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So many annoying noises!
Why does that stupid guard have to keep so many things on!?
I banged my cymbals together.
It was a reflex,
Meaning to much noise!
I banged my cymbals together again more loudly this time,
and glitched as I made my way off my
stage and headed towards
the security room...

"Uh are you sure about this boss?"
A voice a little ways front of Me said nervously.
Now turn him on!"
Came the voice from my left a long ways off
"Whatever you say..."
I heard footsteps walk off
Then a loud click from the distance
I glitched then turned on,
I opened my eyes and I was on a small stage in a dimly lit room surrounded by machinery and metal parts everywhere.
"Hello boys and girls!"
The voice from the speaker in my chest said crackling.
I banged my cymbals.
"W-w-would you l-like to s-sing a—a—-d—w-with—-m——it's—s-so—f-f—fun—-
My speaker cut off
I glitched out and banged my symbols together hardly my left arm came off leaving the exposed wires hanging down and sparking while my left arm flailed around spastically.
I jerked wildly,
And my body twisted around out of control..
My legs were bolted to the ground and my legs couldn't come loose,
But they still moved around wildly.
"Shut if off!!"
The second voice from the distance yelled
The first guy
Who was in the corner of my right eye then ran out of view and I heard the click again.
But I didn't shut off.
The man proceeded to run onto the stage and tried to shut me off from the switch on back
But my right arm jerked to the side hitting him it made blood come out of his mouth and splatter on me
and sent him flying to the ground,
He didn't get back up after that.
My legs broke from the bolts and started moving in an attempt to walk
But all the flailing from my torso broke one of my back legs throwing me off balance and I fell backwards with a loud crash.
My chest plate split open in the middle and gears went everywhere.
Oil leaked out from under me as I finally shut off.

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