Chapter #2 Xion, Leader of the Anthropomorphs

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Alisha knocked on Christian's bedroom door and listened for his answer, but received no reply. She cracked the door open just a bit and noticed her brother packing two suit cases full of his clothing and necessities.

Alisha entered the room in a formal gown, "What are you doing?" she asked suspiciously.

Christian was so enveloped in deep thought about the amazing adventure that awaited him that he hadn't noticed his younger sister enter the room. "Oh Alisha, I didn't notice ya come in! Did you need something?"

The princess crossed her arms as if an authority, "Where do you think your going with those suit cases? Have you finally decided to run away and join the circus?" she asked chuckling at her own joke.

Christian turned to his sister with an annoyed expression. "No! I'm leaving with the grand duke and royal mystic! That monster from the other night, turns out it had a scroll on it that leads to a legendary armor, and we're gonna go and get it!"

Alisha moved her hands onto her hips as she struggled to realize why her inexperienced older brother was tagging along. "And why are you going? You haven't been on any of these quests before, and judging by your combat training with Raziel, you're certainly not ready to go into any battles."

Christian rolled his eyes as he searched through his closet, "Ya know, I am gonna be twenty soon! Don't cha think it's about time I started traveling with the grand duke on some of these quests?" The young teenager walked out of his closet with a few shirts over his arm and placed them next to his suitcase as he started to fold them. "Besides, we all talked about it and figured it was a good idea for me to join them incase they needed my help."

Alisha looked at her brother with a smirk on her face as she sat down on his bed, "Oh my God, you begged daddy to go didn't you!"

Christian turned and saw the huge smug grin on his sister's face. "No I didn't! I just asked if they wanted me to accompany them and they said yes. I didn't beg." he paused. "And stop making that stupid smile cause you're wrong."

Alisha rolled her eyes this time, "Okay, whatever. Don't forget, dad's negotiating with those anthro people in about an hour. Be sure to dress nice."

"Yes, okay. Gah-lee, is that all you came in here to do, tell me that and bug me?" he asked agitated by his sister's condescending jokes and questions.

The princess stood up with a smirk on her face, satisfied in the fact that she successfully aggravated her older brother once again. "Fine, I can take a hint." Alisha walked through the doorway, "See you in the conference room."

Christian packed his digital camera, cell phone charger, and zipped up his suitcase when he received yet another knock at his door. "What do you want now?!" he asked.

"Excuse me?" the voice in the doorway responded.

Christian turned around to find his mother standing in the doorway with two bodyguards. The queen was a slender blond with huge structured pigtails that sprouted from her crown and spiraled downward near her hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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