Chapter 6

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I woke up the sun shining in throw the curtains got up and went to see if Clementine was ok I went to the room And she was gone I went down stairs to ask Tayler saw her or someone with her but I saw that Tayler had her and was playing with her he told me she woke up early and he took care of her I thanked him and went back upstairs I woke Bryce up and I was going to the hype house to talk with the people there he binned and got up I went in black hoodie and black tights we got in the car after a 20minute drive we got there I walked in and every one came up and introduced them selves after about 10 minutes the sway boys walked I just got scared and just acted cool they got closer and closer till I turned around and saw them in front of me I saw that Jaden had a knife in his hand but I took in out of his hand but got cut and the blood was everywhere I didn't feel the pain tho every one saw that blood and every walked  to the bottom of the stairs I stood there but scared we stood there for 5 minutes and look at my hand to see the cut but there with no cut just blood on the floor I didn't make in a big deal I asked myself do I have powers and I tested I walked throw them and pushed them out of the way and I do have powers I didn't say anything I just told that to get out and they did Bryce then asked wtf just happened I told him I didn't know
(Sorry it's short it's 3 in the morning to good night)

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