Ch.1- Undead

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It was a normal day in the Pokemon world people were battling, playing, and eating. But they have no idea what's comming. Could it be bad luck or the beginning of something terrible.


Micro's POV:

I was just eating some chips with my best friend Sceptile , we were watching a video about these stupid people who tape a pikachu to a power plant and put the wires on the body and not on the cheeks and it exploded the plant and they were laughing, but the pikachu gave a peace sign so it was ok but the people were arrested. We were laughing our heads off until we decide to watch some tv.

We were watching some tv until an important News update interrupt our show.
"Scep?" Asked my Sceptile confused. The News reporter started saying "There have been reports of riots and people eating people, wait are you guys kidding me?" Then it switch to the News reporter outside. "Well Anna as you can see there are rio-!" He was push down by a somebody and was screaming as he ate him. The person holding the camera ran for it.

"What the heck did I just watch." I said. "Scep?" Said my Sceptile not getting what just happened. I went to my Dad's room and went under his bed and pulled a black case out. I open it and pulled out a pistol and a normal looking pump shotgun and ammo and shells for my pump shotgun. My Dad was a hunter so that's
pretty convenient. I grab a silenter and put it on my pump action shotgun. (Mic has a pump action shotgun it's color is black and a
black beretta, it's a pistol.)

I check the ammo I had, a pack of buckshot,
dragonbreath, hallowpoints, and birdshot. I loaded the hallow point shells into my shotgun, I have 12 shells in my shotgun enough to kill a lot of the undead. I packed the rest if the shells in my backpack and I loaded my beretta up, 8 rounds just enough.
I packed the leftover bullets and went to my room to change. I jumped into the shower. I put on the special shampoo that masked my scent.

I grab all the garbage and threw it away. I put all the dirty clothes in the washer and the clean in the dryer. I went to the kitchen and washed everything and put all the can foods on the counter. I went to the basement and grab a box, I walked into the kitchen and put all the canned goods in the box. I walked to the basement and grabbed jugs of water and bottles of water. I put those in a box. Then I grabbed a battery power stove and put it on the table.

I got wood and nailed it to coverup all the windows, upstairs and downstairs. (Mic got wooden from his dad's basement.) I got blankets and coverup the windows, so the undead can't see the bright lights in the night. (I think the undead can see bright light, correct me if I am wrong,) I grab the locks and put them on the door and I made a
thing to put wooden on as another lock.

(Oh, if you don't know what mic is doing he is planning to stay in his house for awhile.)
I told my Sceptile to be very quiet to not attract unwanted attention. He understood knowing what would happen if he was loud.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the mini stove and then a pot, I dumped the chili into the pot and started cooking. It took a couple a minutes until it was ready. I went to get some bowls and spoons, I grabbed a wooden spoon to put the chili on the bowls.
After I finished preparing dinner I called slash my Sceptile. "Slash." I yelled quietly. "Scep." said Slash. That was probably coming in Pokemon language. We sat down and said Grace and began eating in silence.

It was a small dinner nothing much just chili.
We got up and put our bowls in the sink, Slash began washing them. I thought to my self, "They are probably going to cut the tap water off, so we better filter as much water as we can " I got up and decide to look out the window. I was horrified at what I saw, there were mangled human and Pokemon bodies. I saw a couple walkers and decide not to get there attention. (Mic is calling them walkers because that's all they do eat and walk. ;( ) I went upstairs to get ready for bed and before I went to bed I wrote in my journal.

December 16, 2014
" Three hours have past since this plague or virus has started, I don't know how or when it happen but the time that was pasted was based off when the news reported it. Many questions remain unanswered, like is it happen everywhere or just here, how long will it last, how long will I and my Sceptile named Slash last. But I hope we can make it and If I die and you are reading this don't give up. -Mic Neinz

I wrote that down and fell asleep next to my Sceptile. I before I fell asleep I wondered how long will the world last. Then I fell into dreamland

How was the story? And yes I will be taking oc, if you want yours in story. if the want it in
write his or her hair color, eye color, height, personally, weapon and Malle weapon. (Malle stands for weapons like swords, axes and anything that doesn't launches or shoots anything, and NO CHAINSAWS! Why, watch zombiegoboom on YouTube and type chainsaw you'll see why.

And if that Microtoaster2 is signing out.

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