Vaishu: No fikar no fear when the one and only Vaishu di is here!

Aashu: Oh teri nautanki bakwas band kar! Like get to the point!

Vaishu: I am gonna drive!

Riyaz: Fine lets go or we will be late!

Avu: Ya and we have to see which class we got into! (I have been waiting for this for years just make me in the same class with Sidd this time!)

Reemi: Ok let's go!

(So they reached school)
*Reemi was whispering to Avu)

Reemi: Avu Don't worry Sidd will be with you!

Avu: I wish! But you are so lucky you are still in 11th grade and you don't have your board exams!

Reemi: Oh last year I was studying and you were doing party! This year I will do party in front of your face!

Jai: This is so unfair! You girls are always talking to each other with your girl talk! And didi Reemi is my girlfriend and you never let me spend time with her!

Avu: Oh shut up! This year if you both get into the same class then the whole day you will do your romance! And I don't know what this Jai will do!

Aashu: Avu leave them I am still in 12th grade with you!

Vaishu: Ya even I'm in 12th grade!

Avu: Let's just go! (And then the girls started running towards the school office)

Jai: Riyaz I told you that yeh ladki pagal hai!

Riyaz: Tu bhi toh gadhe hai!

Jai: Fine but remember that night when you called me and told me that you have a crush on Anushki!

Riyaz: Ya!

Jai: So I am going to tell her that you have a crush on her!

Riyaz: Don't you dare!

Jai: Then stop calling me a gadhe!

Reemi: My stupid boyfriend are you coming or not!

Jai: Ya!

Reemi: This year we got into the same class! 

Avu: Yessssssss!

Jai: But why are you so happy Didi?

Avu: (What should I say) Actually I am sad because you won't be with me! But I was happy because Riyaz will be with you! He will be third wheeling! And I have Aashu!

Jai: It's not like we are dating in school that he will be third wheeling us!

Riyaz: I am just gonna make sure no weird stuff happen in class!

Avu: Ya! Because my bro goes mad in love!

Aashu: Vaishu di is also in our class! I am sooooo happy! Wait we also have Abhi bhai and Sidd in our class!

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