Fighting Over Me - Loki x Reader x Erik Killmonger

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You were packing your bag, getting ready to leave for your trip to Asgard.

You were a diplomat for Wakanda and Asgard. It was your job to maintain the relations between the two kingdoms.

When Thor and T'Challa met, they became partners and that's when you came in. You were a trusted friend of Thor, he'd met you when the Avengers formed.

You were the only person who could control his brother, even if it was only a little bit.

T'Challa knew you through Shuri. You both were friends when you'd gone to Wakanda for Avengers business.

So naturally, they trusted you with the relationship between their kingdoms.

It was also apart of your job to go between Asgard and Wakanda every other month. It was time to check with Asgard.

A knock came to your door and you quickly went to check it. T'Challa stood there with a smile.

You returned it and pulled him in for a hug. He told you, "I see you are almost ready to return to Asgard again."

You nodded, "Yes, I am. Come to bid me goodbye?"

He was slightly hesitant before saying, "Yes...but I also needed to ask a favor of you."

You nodded and motioned for him to continue. "I wanted to know if it would be okay for you to bring Erik with you. I will be leaving Wakanda for a while and if you are gone, there is no telling if Erik will listen to the guards."

Oh, forgot to mention.

You were also the only person Erik actually listened to.

You knew both Erik and Loki had feelings for you. It wasn't something that you could miss.

You'd spend time with Loki on Asgard because you did have feelings for him and you have admitted it to him.

But you'd also spend time with Erik in Wakanda because you also had feelings for him...and you've admitted it.

You weren't cheating, though.

Loki knew Erik existed and vice versa, and they knew of your feelings. But that didn't stop them from arguing across worlds.

You gave T'Challa a look, biting your bottom lip. He held his hands out, "I understand if you cannot."

You sighed, "No...I can...It'll just make it a little hard if I have two people trying to get my attention at once while I'm doing my job."

T'Challa nodded. You said, "It's fine. They'll understand. I'll take Erik with me, you do what you have to do."

T'Challa smiled and thanked you before leaving.


As you walked to the Bifrost sight with Erik and a couple of guards following behind you, you told Erik what you wanted.

"Okay, you know of Loki. You know he's on Asgard. You know we're going to Asgard." You told him.

He gave you that half smirk as he said, "Yes, I know, Y/N."

You continued, "And you know you have to behave because, if you don't, you could end up disrupting the peace between Asgard and Wakanda."

Erik asked, "C'mon, when have I ever acted up."

You stopped in your tracks, the guards stopping with you as you looked at Erik. He laughed, "Kidding."

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