"To find some fresh water, you know, considering everyone else in this camp is just sitting on their asses." She said with an over dramatic eye roll and continued to walk.

Venus made a B line straight for Lincoln's cave, praying that he would be there. It wasn't far from their camp however the idiots that she was surrounded by were too captivated by leaves to notice it. Thus making it the perfect meeting spot. She rushed inside and much to her delight there he sat, sketching in his notebook. He looked up at her with a small smile.As well as her healing mentor, Lincoln had also always been a close family friend of hers, due to his close work with her mother, and the pair cared deeply for each other. "Good to see they haven't killed you,"He said dryly and then looked up at her mischievously "yet."

"You know they couldn't come close. I could kick any of their asses blindfolded." She said with a casual shrug. Lincoln laughed at her arrogance and shook his head. Venus' face hardened. "But I didn't come here to chit chat about my fighting skills. The sky people have sent a group to the mountain, to gather supplies." Lincoln's eyes widened.

"We can't let them do that. I'll get a group to intervene." He said frantically as he began to gather weapons and carefully apply his war paint.

"Do me a favour, if you have to kill any of them, make it the blonde. She really pisses me off." She said with her eyebrows knitted together. Even the thought of Clarke irritated her Lincoln laughed at her brutality.

"We won't kill any of them. Well use one of them as bait. That way, they'll be too terrified to go anywhere near the mountain and we can have a good dinner." Lincoln stated as he began ushering her out of the cave. "Be careful." He told her as they departed. She nodded and swiftly began through the woods.


Venus returned to camp with a small tub of water that she had gathered from a stream on her way back from Lincoln's cave. She needed to make her story seem plausible and she figured that it would earn her some respect from her new camp mates. Once she entered her suspicions were correct. The delinquents were overjoyed at the sight of water and a group flocked to her. "There's a stream about a kilometre that way." She said gesturing east. "I think a group of you should head out and get some more water." Her idea was followed by a few mumbles and then she watched at a group passed her, all giving her appreciative looks on their way.

"So, I see you're not just a pretty face." Bellamy said as he approached her. You have no idea she thought to herself. She looked up at him with an overly false smile.

"A thank you would be nice." She snapped at the older boy. Bellamy smirked slightly however he ignored her comment and just stared at her. Venus could tell that a plan was formulating in his head and the fact that she couldn't figure out what it was worried her. "What? You're staring and it's creepy." Venus said with a glare.

"Where's your wristband?" He questioned, cautiously as he stared at her bare wrist. Shit. Who knew Bellamy Blake was perceptive? Venus began to conceive a cover story in her mind. She needed to keep it simple otherwise she faced the risk of forgetting it.

"I took it off." Venus told him trying to sound as apathetic as possible.

"Why?" The Blake boy interrogated further. He looked at the girl with genuine curiosity in his eyes.

"I have my reasons." She said, still maintaining her calm facade. However it was obvious that Bellamy couldn't be shaken off that easily. "Let's just say, there are some people that I would much rather think I'm dead." Bellamy smiled, clearly intrigued by the mysterious girl stood before him. He raised his eyebrows to indicate that he wanted her to continue her story. Venus decided it would be best to act like she was just another traumatised teenager. "That's all you're gonna get."

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