"I don't understand." Henry stated as they walked to the building.

"They use walkers to protect themselves, right? So we go up someplace the walkers can't go. We separate the living from the dead. They travel in a herd, but there's only like five or six of them in the middle, right?" Daryl asked Lydia.

"Yeah, but if we go up there we're trapped." They stopped walking, "Alpha's not gonna send an army cause she doesn't have to. She'll send Beta."

"I knew she had a beta!" Aiden exclaimed, "an alpha isn't an alpha without her beta," Aiden spoke. Daryl looked over at her.

"This Beta, he their best?" Daryl asked. Lydia nodded, "good. We'll kill him first. Come on." Daryl said. He and Aiden walked in the front.

"You knew she had a beta?" Daryl asked her.

She looked up at him with her cocoa brown eyes he could stare at for days, "she calls herself Alpha. All leaders have their right hand. What better name than Beta for hers?"

"What about a Gamma then?" Daryl asked. Aiden furrowed her eyebrows, "think she got one of them?"

"Dunno," she replied.


Aiden stood with Daryl, "the beta. I wonder what he's like for their best fighter," Aiden said to him.

"You're not gonna find out," Daryl gruffly responded.

"Come on, Dare! I'm one of the best fighters we have, you know it. I could take this guy and Alpha on no problem." Aiden scoffed.

"Aiden." Daryl said firmly. "You're not gonna fight this guy, alrigh'? I'm not gone let ya."

Aiden only rolled here eyes and pulled out her machete. She held it between the two she both looked at the shiny silver metal that had taken lives of both people and walkers, "I'm always up for a little challenge, darlin'."


"They're here," Aiden heard Henry's voice. She and Daryl rushed into the balcony. He let an bolt loss into one of the walkers heads. It dropped to the ground.

A large man in one of masks looked up at the wild a cold, icy glare. "That's him. That's Beta," Aiden mumbled, pointing at him.

The two entered the room with Connie, Lydia, and Henry, "alright, they're here. Let's go."

Lydia, Aiden, Dog, and Daryl went their own way while Connie and Henry both stayed behind.

Daryl had hid Lydia and Dog in a closet.

Aiden and Daryl currently stood behind a table.  The door in front of the burst open and Daryl released his both. The bolt made contact with a door Beta was using as a shield.

"Shit," Aiden heard him hiss. He threw the table down and the two took off. Aiden crouched behind a stack of crates covered in plastic.

She heard the almost silent steps of a skinned freak. The freak rounded on Aiden and she used her Bowie knife to stab into his foot. He screamed in pain when Aiden ripped it out. He fell to the ground and grabbed at his knife he dropped. Aiden stomped on his wrist and she heard it snap. He screamed again.

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