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Izuku watched the group in the Cow Books store curiously. It was a few adults talking about 'The Unfortunate Souls', they seemed to be discussing buying it.

"Do you need any help?" Izuku asked curiously, the group turned to him as he was restocking some books on a shelf, "Yes. UA was looking to purchase these books for the students. We'll need 220 copies of each issue of The Unfortunate Souls." The one with the long black hair stated. Izuku's eyes widen but nodded quickly doing the maths as he mumbled.

"There's 24 issues so 24 times 220 is 5,280 and it is ¥940.60 (€8) per copy so that would be ¥4966368 (€42,239.82) please" Izuku stated at the shell shocked teachers who he started analysing and recognising. "You did that all in your head?" Ectoplasm asked curiously, "Yeah, anyway we only have 200 of each copy in store so we'll have to order in bulk to get your order. It should be done by...average waiting day for order and deliver is 14 days but if I pull some strings it can be 2 days" Izuku started muttering, "1 to 2 days if I can make a deal." Izuku grinned before going back to the counter, picking up the phone to call his publisher - Shigeru Yamamoto.

"Hey Eru-kun, can I ask you a favour?" Izuku chirped, "What is it, Izu?" The grumpy man asked, "UA wants all 220 students to have all 24 copies of The Unfortunate Souls, meaning 5,280 - it also means you get ¥4966368 but with the 40% to Sato-kun you get ¥2979820.80 and Sato-kun gets ¥1986547.20" Izuku beamed as Shigeru sighed, "What day do you want them by?" Shigeru asked, "Can you send the copies to UA directly by tomorrow or the day after?" Izuku asked curiously, "Fine, you owe me." Shigeru growled softly, "Of course I do, Eru~kun! Bye and thank you!" Izuku beamed with a closed eyed smile before hanging up and turning to the UA teachers. "The copies should be there in a day or two!" He chirped, "How did you do that?" Present Mic asked curiously as Eraserhead glared at him, "Eru~kun is the owner of Yamamoto Publishing Inc., he's a friend of mine so I asked a favour" Izuku smiled, "Nezu will come by tomorrow to pay you, thank you for helping!" Mic grinned brightly.

"No problem, Mr Mic!" Izuku smiled at the shocked group, they were in their civilian clothing so it was understandable, "Mr Mic's voice is too recognizable, put that with Ms Midnight's hair, Mr Ectoplasm's teeth and Mr Eraserhead's sharp stare and posture - it's quite obvious" Izuku beamed at the shell shocked group.

The door opened and a man stood in, instantly making Izuku tense. "Midoriya." The man glared, "Any progress?" The man hissed, "I need ¥235080.00 to wipe my debt off, right? I can pay you by the weekend - all of it." Izuku stated, "All of it?" The man rose an eyebrow before smirking, "You better have it, or else Midoriya" The man hissed before storming out of the shop.

Izuku sighed of relief before being turned around by Present Mic as the group looked worried and Eraserhead looked at him with suspicion. "Why is someone your age in debt, kid? Also, why aren't you in school?" Present Mic asked with furrowed eyebrows, "Um..my mom's in a mental hospital, has been for a while and I had no way to sustain myself, going into the system would've been Hell so I got loans and started working young to pay off any debt I had. I gave up with school because of quirk discrimination" Izuku muttered quickly to the frozen group who stared at him in pity but Eraserhead's and Mic' eyes shown with understanding before Mic let go of him and sighed. "Stay safe, kid." Present Mic said softly, Izuku nodded as the group left, but not without Eraserhead slipping him a not on the way out.

If you need to talk here's my phone number.

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