Argument Scene (gxg)

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This scene is between a girl and her girlfriend. They make up at the end of the argument.

The sound of the apartment door closing rang in Morgan's ears as she looked up from her laptop. Her girlfriend Callie is home.

"Hey!" Morgan says to greet her love. Callie smiles, but otherwise doesn't respond. She walks into their joint bedroom, allegedly to put her bag away.

Morgan wonders if there is something wrong. Surely if everything was fine Callie would have greeted her back, at least in words? Morgan resumes her work, assuming she is just overthinking things.

She has been very busy lately with her work. She works in an office and does paperwork for the largest hospital in Los Angeles. Her boss has made her and her coworkers do their jobs at home for two weeks because there was a recent request to have the building deeply cleaned out, and all workers need to be out of the building.

After taking one last look in the direction of the bedroom, she decides she will check up on Callie later, as she really needs to get some work done.


Callie comes out of the bedroom around 5:30 to start cooking dinner. She does not ask for Morgan to help her, but Morgan does not notice as she is immersed in her laptop. Morgan is broken out of her working trance when she can smell spaghetti from the kitchen.

"Dinner is ready." Callie calls from the kitchen. Morgan gets up from her desk and walks into the kitchen. Callie has already dished herself food and is walking in the direction of the dining room table.

After getting herself a plate and food, Morgan joins Callie at the table. As soon as she enters the room, she can feel the tense air. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion at the silence.

She pulls out her chair, watching Callie carefully from across the table. The latter has yet to look up from her plate as Morgan sits down.

Morgan does not start eating right away and instead focuses on Callie. Callie uses her fork to get a mouthful of spaghetti before eating what is on her fork. She is eating rather quickly, and she only sat down less than a minute ago.

Morgan knows something is wrong. As Callie goes to get up and go into the kitchen after finishing her plate, Morgan grabs her wrist gently.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asks. Callie looks at her for a moment before smiling. It looks forced to Morgan.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Callie goes to walk away but Morgan grabs her wrist again.

"Please sit down." Morgan asks and pleads with her eyes for Callie to listen. She does after a moment of hesitation. She places her empty plate back on the table and sits down.

Morgan looks at her worriedly. "I can tell you aren't being yourself tonight. What's wrong?" Morgan grabs Callie's hand from across the table. Callie doesn't resist to Morgan holding her hand. After a moment of silence and thinking, Callie speaks up.

"You have been...very distant lately." She looks to the side a bit, not wanting to meet Morgan's eyes.

"I'm sorry about that. I've just been busy with work." Morgan attempts to comfort Callie by rubbing circles on her palm with her thumb.

"...Is that all?" Callie asks. Morgan looks at her with a confused look. What could she mean?

"What do you mean?" Morgan asks. Callie sighs and turns back to look at Morgan.

"I've looked at your phone. I've seen the texts." Callie looks a bit angry now.

Morgan looks confused for a moment. "What texts?" As if answering her own question, Morgan looks back at Callie with wide eyes. "Oh. Those texts."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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