Chapter 9 - Boba and Trigger

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Bus 4419 trundled on the road, towards Golden Compass High School. Among all the asinine adolescents, giggling at TikToks of God knows what, you could be found sitting next to Jeongin and Hyunjin at the back of the bus.

 This morning, your usual routine had been disrupted, because Seungmin had called you to say that he had run into an emergency ,concerning Hee-Young, so you two couldn't walk to school together. You couldn't imagine for the life of you, what kind of emergency Hee-Young could of gotten herself into, but knowing her, it was probably something to do with her clothes.

"She probably chipped her nail, or she's having a mini meltdown over which skirt to wear to school today, and needs Seungmin to give her a second opinion.  

Or something else along those lines. "

Now everyone knows, that a girl who likes to dress will spend as much time picking out an outfit and will do so with the same,great care that an army general has when drawing up his battle plans.  So it would take hours for Hee-Young to make a final decision, and you couldn't afford to be late for school waiting for Seungmin to finally emerge out of Hee-Young's house.

Although, walking alone didn't look very appealing either. 

For a summer day, it was surprisingly chilly. You folded your arms over your striped pastel pink and green sweater, tugging onto the wool for comfort.

"Oh rats, what do I do now?" you thought, letting out a small sigh.

"I can't be bothered to drag myself to school through this kind of weather, and I don't have time on my hands either. If only I could walk to school with some of my other friends. Or at least have the presence of another human being"

That's when an idea, hit you.

"Ohhhhhh, I know what to do. Hyunjin and Jeongin always catch the bus, because they live 15 miles away from Golden Compass HS all the way in Aislington. 

I can simply wait here for a bit, and hop onto the bus to join them. That would cut out the silence and the bleak weather... Perfect!" you smiled to yourself.

Then you burrowed your hand  into your right trouser pocket,  to find your phone so you could alert Crackhead Nation to be expecting your arrival.

"They're going to be in for a surprise" 

[Crackhead Nation]

Guess who's coming on the 4419 today!


Ha, ha ha. How dumb do you think we are?

No, I'm not joking

mr bean

What, Y/N, are you serious?

Yup. I'm joining you guys, today


Hmm, how come? I thought you always walked to school with Seungmin

Well, he phoned me to say he ran into an emergency with Hee-Young 

mr bean

Hee-Young The Snake, would be more sufficient 


Jeongin, we talked about this 

mr bean

Hee-Young's a snake, and a snake she will be.  

And no else believes it, apart from me


We don't believe you because you have no evidence, or facts to prove it.

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