"Thank you Miah," She said gratefully, hugging him tightly.

"Anytime Julie," He smiled warmly, wrapping his arms around her.


Newt was wandering around his home doing nothing. That was how it had been since he had left school for the summer. He walked into his room and sighed heavily, Juliettes drawings were pinned everywhere, unfisnished paintings from when they had art competitions and lazy days together.

He shut his door and instead went into the kitchen where his mother was sitting at the table, reading a novel of some sort.

"Hey Newtie, what do you want to do today?" She asked, knowing the answer but hoping for another.

"The usual," He moped.

"Oh Honey, you know you can't go and see her," Hope frowned, beckoning for him to come and sit next to her, when he sunk into a chair she wrapped her arm around him, kissing his head.

"Letters," He pointed at the window, she stood up and opened it so the owl could land safely, not that it needed assistance, it was trained for this.

"One from Leta," She offered.

"I'll read it later," He shrugged.

"Oh! Another owl!" She gasped as a large, black, neat-looking owl landed on their window-ledge, looking genuinely offended to be around their home and even more against the letter tied to its leg.

Hope untied the letter, the owl was as good as gone as soon as it was free, she read the name on the tag and filled with joy.

"I think I know who this may be from," She grinned, holding out the letter that read 'Dearest Newton' on the front, Newt shot up and lunged for it, running upstairs as quick as he could to read it.

Newton! I write with the greatest of news! My mother, though begrudgingly, has agreed to take us all for a visit to Forde Abbey! I know you've been there! Also, my brother AND father have agreed to distract my mother for a few hours so I can come to meet. Please come, if not I'm going to have such a rotten summer!

I hope you remember this day, I miss it when we could be us. Just for today I would love to feel the same freedom.

He took the photo out from the letter and smiled at it, it was from one time when they met up and went to lay in a field with her fathers unused camera.

It was sunset, and they had relaxed that day, one day last Summer, he looked to his wall and saw another picture from that day that she didn't know had been taken.

It was sunset, and they had relaxed that day, one day last Summer, he looked to his wall and saw another picture from that day that she didn't know had been taken

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He ran around his room, getting dressed clumsily but quickly.

"Newton-oh-Newton!" Theseus yelled as he walked in, swinging open the door without warning, Newt tripped over while pulling on his trousers and made Theseus laugh.

"Come on clumsy, Mum wants to try and persuade you to go out today,"

"I don't need persuading, I know exactly where I'm going," He said eagerly, successfully getting fully dressed and running down the stairs while pulling on a jacket.

"Newtsie? Are you going out today?" His mother asked, expecting his answer to be a drawled out 'no'.

"Yes! To Forde Abbey!" He replied, pulling on his shoes.

"What? When was this plan made?" She asked, "Do you want me to come with you?"

"Juliette write and said we can meet there today! I'll be back later okay? I have to go or I'll be late, I'll be fine alone, see you later Mum!" He said quickly, Hope was still processing his words after he had ran through the door.

"Why's he in such a hurry?" Bastian asked, now entering through the front door with the shopping.

"The Jewel sent him a letter, she can meet him today,"

"I miss the Jewel, I hope she can come and see us one day,"

"I'd hold on to that dream if I were you, I have a feeling she'll leave her parents soon,"

"She deserves it,"

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