More Than You Know

Start from the beginning

"You are not needed here. You are not wanted here. Or anywhere ..."

The hurt was too much. You were in desparate need of one of your mother's rare but fantastic silent hugs. The one hug you would never receive again. You were probably clinically insane for what you did next, but it felt like the right thing.

You closed the gap between you and Akito and embraced him in a tight hug. He struggled to push you away from him, but you refused to let go. He stood against you, dumbfounded, as you buried your face in his neck. You wept quietly into him, until his stiff body softened.

"You're more of a scared child now than you were back then. I'm not going anywhere." You said empathetically, and when your body stopped trembling you continued. "I didn't kill my father. My father was a proud fool who said things to hurt people and never once apologized to anyone."

You felt like you were saying goodbye to an old friend; and in a sense you were. You were saying goodbye to the innocent boy from your memories of a lifetime ago.

"I'm so sorry to see that now you are a proud fool too." You stopped crying and gave him a squeeze, pulling back just enough to see his stunned face. "I'm not going anywhere." You said defiantly.

You turned to leave, but just as you grabbed the door, Akito grabbed your wrist. His grip was still soft from the hug, and his expression looked almost child-like. He looked from your wrist to you, and you watched the frustration, the anger morph his face. His grip became bruising and you winced, eyes locked on his hand. Suddenly he threw your arm back to you and turned away with a muffled growl.

You decided you'd said enough to the man, and continued on your way back to Hatori's office. Thankfully, from there it didn't take too long to find it. You had completely forgotten about Momiji and hoped you hadn't kept him waiting. Truth be told you had no idea how long you'd been with Akito. It felt like forever.

When you walked through Hatori's door you saw Momiji heading out. The expression on his face held worry and suddenly he embraced you tightly, transforming himself into a small yellow bunny.

"Momiji, why-"
"Don't leave yet, (Y/n)! You just can't leave yet!" He cried before hopping away.

You stepped unsurely through the office door and watched Hatori set the phone down onto the receiver.

"Miss (L/n), I thought I told you to stay away from Akito. He's not well."

For a lot of reasons, you wanted to say, but looked only to the floor, ashamed.

"Must I go now?"

Hatori stood and walked over to you, and when his cold hand met your chin, you gasped. He turned your head gently from side-to-side, as if checking for injuries.

"What exactly happened in there?"

He asked softly, attention going now to the wrist Akito had held in a death grip moments before. You sighed and pulled back from Hatori to sit on the comfy waiting room couch. You thought of what Akito had told you, about your being here only out of pity.

"I don't have permission to be here, do I? I mean, you never asked the head of household if I could live here?"

Hatori slumped down next to you, leaning back on the couch, and you almost giggled. This ever-stoic man could be a softy, you were sure of it.

"On the contrary," he said, looking over to you, "Akito was the one that suggested I hire a helping hand.. He was the one that brought your family's name to me."

You furrowed your brows and leaned back against the couch to match his lax posture, and listened intently. He seemed to be sorting through memories, and you were eager for his perspective.

"I think somehow he knew... That you were the only one left. When I told him of your parents deaths, and suggested your residency he gave his usual disgusted look.. but only an hour later he had a team of men moving things out of your place to make way for you. I wonder now if maybe he wanted you here from the start."

You shook your head, "But he sai-"

"What Akito says and what he means are entirely different. There's a lot of emotions going through that boy as I'm sure you can imagine, and he uses them against us and against himself..."

He lifted your hand and inspected the irritation on your wrist again.

"In fact that was Akito on the telephone.. He wants you to see him again tomorrow." Your eyes began to well with tears and you sniffed.

"I think you're wanted here more than you think." His hazel eyes were now locked on your (e/c) ones, but his hand remained caressing yours.

"Akito can only get better if he wants to. I think you, (Y/n), may be needed here more than you know."

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