Let's Dance.

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After being rudely awoken by the alarm clock once again, I have a quick stretch and I sit up to have a quick sip of water from the glass I keep next to my bed. I look up and I could see a pile of clothes – which I'm assuming is today's outfit - nicely folded on the chest of draws on the other side of the room. I can't see much from here, but I think I see material, like actual material not like lace or lingerie. But I do see some crazy high heels. But the material makes me excited. I can't believe that this is what my life has come to, being excited when I get to where clothes with actual materials.

I quickly get out of bed and speed walk over to the draws I didn't want to seem too excited, but I realised there's no one here to watch me so it turns into a slow jog. He's chosen a set of sports leggings and a hoodie – the hoodie looks quite big and I can say that it's not one I've seen in my wardrobe so I'm thinking it might be one of his. I'm not complaining at all, I mean I am fully covered up and he does smell good. Wait, I didn't mean that, this is the first time in years that I've worn proper clothes maybe I'm just getting over excited and that was making me say silly statements like that.

The pile of appropriate clothes has a pink post-it note on the top with something written on it, 'Once you have gotten ready for the day, eat by yourself in the kitchen and meet me in the hall at 8.30AM. Please bring a water bottle as well as a flat pair of shoes and heels also left on the desk. Be prompt, it's time for your first dance lesson. L'

A dance lesson, I can't dance, I have never been able to dance. This must be in preparation for the ball. I know it's relatively soon there's not enough time in the world to get me ready for this ball. I remember him briefly saying something about getting me into classes for my anxiety and a couple just on basic ball behaviour or something – that one I found insulting. But I didn't think dance lessons would come first. I can already feel a panic attack coming just from thinking about this.

Before I fully start to panic, I jump in the shower and I start to get ready. I'm assuming that since it's a dance lesson I don't need to have perfect hair and make-up. So, I put my hair up and a cute high pony tail and did an every-day, basic make-up look – a little bit of mascara, just enough concealer to cover up the discolouration of my skin and some glittery lip gloss. I still want to look cute for a dance lesson. Who knows, I may have some luck and the dance teacher maybe a cute, teenage, human boy. Ha, that's a joke.

He didn't say a time I had to go eat breakfast, so I choose to sit in bed for a bit and read some more of my book. I mean its only 7.00AM and I don't have to be in the dance hall until half-eight, so I have time to waste. I kind of left my book on a cliff hanger last night so I have to read as much as I can now, so I don't keep thinking about it during my dance lesson and I get distracted.

I completely lose track of time and I start to panic because I haven't eaten yet and I haven't finished getting everything and I have no idea what time it is. But once again I was panicking for no reason, the alarm clock said that it was only 7.45AM. I still have plenty of time to get ready for today. But I don't have time to continue reading my book. Sad face.

I choose to start off the lesson in my trainers. They may ask me to put the heels on but in hope, I'm putting my baby pink trainers on. Anyway, I'm properly better of learning the steps in shoes I can walk in first and then they can watch me struggle in the heels. I pack my backpack with my water bottle, the heels, a spare, looser top (in preparation of getting hot since I haven't done proper exercise in such a long time) and my book just in case I get a break. And then it's time for food.

Thankfully there was no kitchen staff in this morning, so I had no one to intimidate me and to try and get me into trouble. I make myself some plain toast and grab myself a glass of orange juice. My body is slowly getting used to having actual food again, so I don't really want to eat too much and then throw it up during the lesson.

Once I've eaten, I wash up and dry everything I had used and put it back into the place where it belongs. I fill up my water bottle and grab one of the ice packs from the freezer to put in. There is nothing better than ice cold water when your being forced to do exercise. Even though I still have like 20 minutes until I have to be in the ball room, I only have a vague memory of where it was, so I start walking now so the chance of me getting there late is smaller.

Apparently, I remember more than I thought since it only took me 5 minutes to get there. At least being 15 minutes early is better than being late.

I knock on the door just in case there's already people in the room. I hear a faint come in through the door. So, I open the door – which might I add was super heavy – and in the room was Lord Liam and tall, man I didn't really recognise. But I could tell immediately that he was a vampire as he was so pale.

'Ah little one! Your nice and early. It means we can begin early, and we have more rehearsal time. You have to have a small amount of dance experience because it is tradition that royals and their designated pets must have one dance to prove their dominance against their pet and to their kingdom. This is my friend Louis and he's been teaching vampires to dance for many, many years and I couldn't imagine anyone else to help with us today. Well start off with Louis leading you and once you start getting the step I'll take over and see how you're doing. The less time we spend in the dance class, the more time we can spend on the anxiety classes and we have more time to teach you about basic ball manners. Are you ready my flower?'

'Yes, Lord Liam."

Louis takes me through the basic steps. It's hard to begin with because there is such a big height difference between us that it gets uncomfortable. But actually, the step I have to learn aren't as hard as I thought they would be. It doesn't actually take long for me to move from my trainers to the heels. It was so much easier now the height difference was slightly less.

Louis said he was happy with how I was performing with him, so he passed me on to Lord Liam. This was scary because if he's not happy with me, there might be serious consequences for me if I don't do as well as Louis says I am.

We start dancing around the room. There's not much conversation cause I'm trying to concentrate on the steps and I think he sees that. I don't think I'm doing too badly, I mean I haven't fallen over yet and I haven't stood on his feet yet. A quick smile sweeps over his face as we dance through the room which scares me.

'I am pleasantly surprised pet. I wasn't expecting you to pick up so quickly. I'm quite happy to stop the dance lesson already and just focus on everything else. We will have weekly rehearsals to make sure you remember the steps but otherwise I'm very happy."

'Thank you, Lord Liam.'

He breaks hold and says thank you to louis for his and neither of us says anything until Louis leaves the room. He turns to me and smiles, like one of his sweet smiles. I'm starting to get used to them. But they still give me the creeps a little bit. You know, they always say never trust a vampire.

'I'm quite happy to give you the day off. Its now 1PM so we will have lunch together and you can have the day all to yourself. Just let me know what your going to do so if I need you I know where to find you and I'll be in my office all day if you need me. Well meet in the dining room at 7PM as normal."

That's nice of him. It means I can finish reading my book and maybe have a chance to go in the pool. Oh, this will be nice.

We eat lunch in his office per our everyday routine. Neither of us said anything. He's not much of a conversationalist and I'm way to shy and talk to a vampire without permission. Once we have finished out lunch, I tell him I'm planning on finishing my book in my room and then thinking about having a quick swim downstairs.

I hope this weekend is as nice as I hope it will be.

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