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"I guess it's you lucky day."

I was completely shocked. Was I about to go to an auction? After 3 years I finally have a chance to be brought. I'm happy to get out of the hell hole, but I'm afraid of who I might be brought by. I don't believe that all vampires are monsters, most are yes, but I think there is a couple of nice ones out there, somewhere. I would be so incredibly lucky to be brought by a nice man. A girl can only hope. All I need is hope.

I was pulled out of my cage by and collar and told to follow the owner. Not wanting to change his mind, I did so without complaining. Normally, I would have made a snarky comment about how it's a free country and I can make my own decisions, but I wanted to get out of this place - well a little bit at least. I wanted to smell fresh air again, I wanted to see actual sunlight again, I wanted to smell flowers. More little things that free people take for granted - I know I did once.

I followed him to a large room. It was light and each table was covered in make up, hair appliances, jewellery and lingerie. Why lingerie? Couldn't I be in normal clothes. I was scared. I was shoved into a chair. The was a large group of people in the room. They all looked gorgeous. I could tell straight away that they were vampires as well. They were too perfect and pale to be a petty human like me.

"This is my team of specialists who will make you look more presentable before the auction. You need to look your very best to have the highest chances of being sold today. They already know what they are going to do to you so it shouldn't take too long. You are to do everything they say without a comment. When I come back to collect you and they tell me you have been misbehaving, I will take away one thing they have given you to make you look pretty. Do you understand?" He said, ending with that devilish smile once again. He knew what I was thinking about doing before I was even thinking about doing it. 

"I understand sir." That was the only thing I could reply with. I wanted everything they could give me or do to me. I wanted to be sold. After thinking about it, I wanted to be free - we'll at least enough freedom to leave this place. I would do everything in my power to be sold today.

"Very well then. I will be back soon. You will be the last one to be sold today. You wasn't in the line up until you well especially requested." With that though in my mind he left and they began to apply make up to face and began to fiddle with my hair. It was oddly relaxing. It's been a long time since I've had my hair done. My mother used to do it nice whenever we had an important event to go to. It was a real nice bonding opportunity for the both of us. I really do miss her. 

What did he mean be especially requested? Did someone get my file and wanted me? Who would want me? Wait, they saw my file. Which means they saw all those photos of me. All of a sudden, I became very insecure. when we all first arrived, they cleaned us up and made us look as sexy and hot as they could. We were in lingerie, bound up, gagged, blindfolded, you think of it, it was done to me for those photos. Every year after that, I needed to have up to date photos. Each year I had to go through that again. That was real torture. Other than my body. there was nothing special about me. I'm not a pretty girl. I have no particular talents that were useful. Why would anyone request me? It had to be those photos.

It felt like hours before they were done. Thankfully they left me alone so I could put on the lingerie. It was red. I was pretty don't get me wrong. But the thought of standing in front of hundred of thirsty, horny vampire in it didn't quite get me in the mood. I put it on along with the 6 inch stilettos and finally got a good look at myself in the mirror.

It's been years since I saw myself looking like this. I felt like myself again. I've never worn lingerie before but you see myself all dolled up in make up. With my hair curled and styles, really made this hard me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to let all the emotions out. But I couldn't. I needed to stay strong. I needed to show myself that I could do this.

I wasn't alone for long before the owner came back in. He looked at me with pure lust.

"Look at you. I now understand why he requested you. You really can clean up well. I wish I had kept you for myself. I could have had a lot of fun with you. If only I had the time to tell you everything I wanted to do to you. It was so hard to keep you a virgin you know, if it wasn't for the high profit I knew you would bring in, I would have had you in that back room the first day you arrives here.  Now let's go. I can't wait to see how this goes."

He attached a leash to my collar and I was pulled through the corridors to the holding room. This was it, my first auction.

"Now when I open the curtains, all you have to do is walk to the stage, stand on the red X and smile. If you want to increase your chances of being sold today, give a little extra wiggle as you walking and when you get to the red X, give everybody a slow turn to show everything that your offering. It's really not hard so don't fuck up. The auctioneer will read out your file, although most people have already read it, it good to have a little reminder. It's been requested that your bidding starts at £100,000. We both know that's quite the significant figure. That's the average most get sold at. Now get ready, your going to be called up any second." He spoke his speech with a high level of confidence and grace - I could tell it had spoken before and practised many times. He then walked away again and I was left on my own.

I stood nervously. This was it. This is the make or break of my future. If I'm sold, who knows whats waiting for me. I don't even know if I was going to be a blood slave, a sex slave, a maid, a pet... The number of possibilities is endless. If I wasn't, who knows how much longer it would be until I get to an auction again - that is if i ever make it to another auction. I was finally getting scared. But, I'm happy at the same time. This could finally be my ticket out of here. I just can;t mess it up. I had to do everything perfectly.

I wasn't left in my own thoughts for long before I saw the curtains roll up in front of me. This was it, I had to make myself as presentable and sexy as I could - and if there was one thing i was good at, it was being sexy. I walked forward slowly so everyone could see me and when I finally look up, I see all the vampires sat down. All eyes were on me. I've never liked being in front of an audience. This wasn't just your average audience though, this was a very large audience and it was full of horny, thirsty vampires. It was one of my most terrifying experiences. I didn't even know how many people was looking at me - I would prefer to keep it that way as well. I kept my eyes forward and tried to avoid eye contact with as many people as I could. I slowly turned around to they could see everything I was presenting to them. All i could here was their wolf whistles. I felt like a sex toy - I hated feeling like that.  As everyone's chatter started to quieten down, the auctioneer started to read out my profile.

"Alright everyone, for our final piece of candy tonight, we have Natalie. She is 20 years old, has AB blood and the best part of all, still a virgin. She can obey when she wants to, but has a fun feisty side. She came from an incredibly wealthy family and has always been known to have an incredible work effort. She was on her way to Oxford University to complete her creative writing degree. We've keep her for 3 years to wait for a special someone. Shes never been drunk from, or been played with and as everyone can see, has quite the little body. Now, lets start the bidding. There's been a request to start the bidding at £100,000. Is there a bid for £120,000?"

The number kept going up and up and up. The owner was incredibly shocked. I don't think anyone has ever been sold for this much before. What made me so special? Did someone really want mew that much? I don't know whether to be grateful or concerned.

"And sold to Prince Liam for £400,00! I'm sure you'll have some great fun with her My Lord!"

Did I just hear him correctly? Did he say Prince. I couldn't think for much longer before I was whisked off stage before being handed to my new master - the vampire prince. 

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