Chapter 1

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I do not own anything here, nor am I making a profit from this. It is purely to pass my time, and hopefully, interest other people. J. owns Harry Potter, not me.

Chapter One - Nothing was supposed to Change

Madam Pomfery loved her job. She loved mending students, sending them away happy, and being able to control the hospital wing with her glare alone. After the war, she had decided she would spend her time making students happy again, treating them for depression and ensuring every single one of her students would graduate in the perfect picture of health. She was a woman on a mission. She would even tolerate the slytherins, she thought with a frown, and treat any injuries they got; she would be damned into hell before she smiled at them though. It was an outrage that they were even allowed back into the school, and she had voiced her concerns heavily to the headmistress, but they were back to stay. Well, she would dedicate her time to the other students, and make them all smile again; after the war, they needed to celebrate and smile as much as they could.

While everyone else was in the Great Hall feast celebrating the beginning of a new year, Madam Pomfery was busy tidying the hospital wing, double checking her potions and even contemplating a colour change. Maybe yellow, the colour of happiness? Although she knew she was regarded as a stern woman, she could surprise the students still. It was looking like a good year.

The sound of the door closing hinted that she was not alone anymore. Surprisingly, or not, in her regards, Lainey Potter was standing sheepishly by the door, hesitating before making her way across the room. There was something different about her, but she brushed it aside. She was going to be the strongest this year, the happiest, without the constant threat of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named lurking over her shoulder. Lainey, if anyone, deserved contentment more than any other person here, student or teacher alike. After all, she had lost so many people, including her brother. Harry Potter.

She smiled, the mock happiness not quite reaching her eyes. Something was wrong.

She handed her a letter, refusing to meet her eyes.

A seal has a wand and a bone crossed; Mungo's symbol.

Madam Pomfery loathed her job. Especially when she had to tend to a student that had no hope.

"What's up, Lainey? I know, potions as the first lesson of the year but...oh Merlin...that is really depressing, isn't it?" He trailed off, suddenly his own grin faltering. Lainey smirked at Ron, knowing it didn't reach her eyes but trying nevertheless. She didn't really smile anymore, more like a grimace or a half-hearted smirk. Never a smile.

"Thanks for the pep talk there Ron. Made me loads better."

"Anytime mate...potions. I haven't made a potion in over a year! I'm going to be pathetic! This is do they expect us to catch up? I'm barely a sixth grade level now!"

Lainey sighed to herself at Ron panicking, watching him talk himself into a pale wreck. He was panicking about potions. Potions. As if passing that class was the end of all, as if that one class was able to settle every dream he had and hold up his future on a shining platter. How was she supposed to console her friend when she could barely hold her scoff back? Lainey was kind of looking forwards to being abysmal in potions this year; she might even explode a few cauldrons on purpose, just to torment everyone else. Seriously, worrying about Potions. Lainey barely managed not to roll her eyes.

Lainey knew it wasn't Ron's fault. She knew she should probably have told Ron and Hermione as soon as she found out something was wrong the few weeks after the battle. She should stop her facade of contentedness and turn to them both, shut them up about talking about Potions, and say loudly 'hey guys, are you going to ask me where I disappeared to after the war, because I'm ready to tell you about this thing taking control over my body, my magic and my life...'. But she didn't. She couldn't. And it was too late to tell them now. She just felt awkward, knowing full well she would get lectured, and they would cry, and she would feel like shit for weeks after. No, she couldn't tell them. How were you even supposed to bring it up? Over dinner? Maybe a chess game? 'Hey, Ron, let's share out exploits over the summer! Really, you and Hermione got together? Jeez, congrats! Me? Nah, I can't date anyone anymore; turns out I'm dying'...It didn't even sound good in Lainey's head, eloquent as she always was.

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