Chapter 1 (Part 2): Wolf vs. Bears

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It was almost sundown, meaning it was time for everyone to get back to the dorms, however, Mikzeru realized that Ranka had run off somewhere and Hitomi had offered to find her. So he decides to wait for them, at the entrance of the school.

As Mikzeru was waiting for Hitomi to find Ranka, he heard a scream from Hitomi (Thanks to his good hearing from his Wolf Ears) and ran to where he heard it. As he arrives, he finds that she is ambushed by a trio of Bears that used to bully Ranka when she was a child. They were going to either eat Hitomi or have their way with her and seeing that pissed him off to no end. 

Mikzeru: Hey! Cut it out, you worthless bears!

Hitomi: Mikzeru-kun!

Ranka: Mikzeru!

Mikzeru: Ranka, Hitomi run!

Hitomi: But...

Ranka then attacked the leader bear in the face, as the bear dropped Hitomi

Ranka: Now! Hurry!

Hitomi: O-Okay!

She said as she ran past Mikzeru. Now he has to save Ranka

Bear 1: Yo, human. There ain't no place here for a weak primate like you.

As he was talking, Mikzeru pulled out a canister of Bear Repellent and sprayed the trio, making them release Ranka as he made sure to see if she was okay.

Mikzeru: Ranka, you okay?

Turns out he sprayed her by accident, as he saw her roll around, covering her eyes, as they watered

Mikzeru: Oops... my bad Ranka

Ranka: That voice... Mikzeru

She yelled as she jumped at me, hugged me, and I caught her

Mikzeru: I'm glad you, two are okay.

Ranka: Mikzeru!

As Mikzeru turned around, he was hit by a bear paw, sending him and Ranka flying into a tree.

Mikzeru: *Grunt* The hell?

Mikzeru looked to see the leader of the trio had already recovered. 

Mikzeru: How did you recover that quickly?

Leader Bear: I washed it off with that?

Mikzeru then saw they were right by a sink, and the other two bears were busy cleaning their eyes.

Mikzeru: What!?

As the bear is walking towards Mikzeru, with a face to kill and attack him

Mikzeru's Mind: I don't think I can beat him.

Leader Bear: Kodiak!

Mikzeru then closes his eyes waiting for the pain but then...

???: Hey!

As the bear and Mikzeru turn to the left, seeing Ranka fired up

Ranka: How dare you threaten my friends?!

As Ranka is fired up to attack Mikzeru thought of a plan...

Mikzeru's Mind: If I remember correctly, wolves are not afraid of opponents that are larger than them. Since I am a wolf myself but only when they are in packs, hmm... wait!

Ranka then attacked but got punched down by the bear

Leader Bear: Now then as for you-

He couldn't finish his sentence, that's because Mikzeru high-kicked him to the gaw, and fell backward. 

After the other bears were done washing their face, they came to support their leader.

Bear 2: Boss!

Bear 3: Argh! How could you-

Before he could also, finish his sentence Mikzeru punched him straight in his guts. Knocking him out. And then Mikzeru stepped back

Mikzeru noticed Ranka starting to wake but he also noticed the bear looking at Ranka. The bear then rushed to her, to attack her.

Ranka: AH!!

Ranka closed her eyes waiting for the pain, but it never came because when she opened her eyes, she saw that Mikzeru had taken the blow for her.

Mikzeru: *Grunts* That's all you got!

Ranka: Mikzeru...

Mikzeru: Say behind me Ranka, I got this.

The Bear kept attacking, as Mikzeru defended himself taking the hits. Then the other bears started waking up. Then, they decided to attack at once. Mikzeru waited for the attack but it never came because some interfered. 

Mikzeru opened his eyes and looked up to see Gigas Terano, the Tyrannosaurus Rex Homeroom Teacher, with one of the bears in his mouth.

Gigas: Do you guys want to go extinct, too?

The bears then screamed and ran for their lives, as Gigas chased them.

Hitomi: Mikzeru! Ranka! Are you two okay?

Mikzeru: *Grunt* We're fine

He says as he stands up

Ranka: You're not fine, you're covered in bruises!

Mikzeru: It's nothing as I dealt with before. I'm just glad you two are okay.

Ranka then licked the bruises on his face a bit, and Mikzeru just let her be.

And with that said with everyone having a smile on their face the day ended and the three walked back to their dorms. When Mikzeru returned to his dorm, he patched himself up and went to sleep. 

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! See you in the next chapter!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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