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Lucy's POV

"We have something to tell you and you're probably not going to like it.."

"What do you mean I'm not going to like it? What is it?" I exclaimed starting to worry.

"Well, for our business we have partnered up with another couple and decided to bring us closer together. We were discussing ways to do this and decided for you and their son to get married." My mom confessed.

I couldn't say anything. I was so in shock. I just looked at them with wide eyes. How could they do this? Just marry me off for business.

"I know this is hard for you to hear, but you will be meeting him tomorrow after school." My dad added.

I stood up and walked to my room. Why did this happen to me? To distract myself, I finished my homework,which was a small amount since it was the first day, and decided to call Levy.

"Hey Lu."

"Hey Lev. What's up?"

"Just finished my homework and I'm about to go to Gajeel's house. You?"

"Same. I just finished my homework. Have fun."

"Thanks. Are you okay? You sound upset."

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I lied.


"Yeah, promise." I regretfully answered.

"Okay then. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Lucy. Love you."

"Bye. Love you too."

I put my phone down and just stared at the wall. After awhile, I went on my phone until it was late. I couldn't eat so, I skipped dinner. I didn't really want to see my parents either. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. I dreadfully got out of bed and got ready and walked to school.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was Natsu. He started to walk over to me, but I walked away. He started to jog and quickly caught up with me.

"Hey Lucy." He said when I turned around.

"Hey Natsu."

"How was the rest of your day yesterday?"

"Um.. it was alright. My parents told me some weird news, but other than that it was good. How about you?"

"Oh really? My parents told me some weird news too. It went well though. I got to see all my friends again and I had a good practice too. By the way, do you play any sports?"

When he said that he had heard weird news, I immediately questioned whether we had heard the same thing, but when he continued talking I forgot all about it.

"Yeah, I play soccer actually. I'm not that great, but I really enjoy playing it." I mentioned.

"Oh cool! I used to play soccer when I was little. I wish I had continued to play, I really enjoyed it."

"Oh really? I didn't know that."

I guess we have something in common. Since we both have Science first, we walked to class together. He's actually not as bad as I thought, being popular and all. He's a really nice guy once you get to know him.

After class, we both went our separate ways for the rest of day, until lunch. I was sitting at the same table as yesterday with all my friends when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around expecting it to be Erza since she had previously left to grab something from her locker, but I saw Natsu instead.

"Hey Lucy. Mind if I sit with you guys?" He said nervously.

"Um.. sure. Are you guys okay with it?" I said looking to my friends for an answer. When they all nodded yes I moved over to let Natsu in.

"What brings you here, flame brain?" Gajeel says when Natsu sits down.

"Oh! um.... no reason. Just wanted to sit somewhere new." He uttered. He seems nervous all of a sudden, I wonder why.

"Are you sure it's not because of Lucy?" Levy added while giggling. I gave her a look and waited for Natsu's reply.

"I.. ah... Okay fine. I wanted to sit with Lucy. We are Science partners after all." He smiled.

He wanted to sit next to me. The Natsu Dragneel. The most popular person at our school. Why am I getting nervous? I can't have a crush on him. Or can I? No, I can't! I got knocked back into reality when the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

"Juvia thinks Natsu should come back tomorrow." She says looking at each of us for agreement. When everyone agreed, he smiled.

"Thanks guys. I appreciate it."

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly and now was the time I had been dreading. I went to my room and got dressed. I figured I should at least dress nicely. I got in the car with my parents and we headed to their house. When we arrived they were all standing outside waiting for us. I didn't want to look at first, but when I did, I saw Natsu.

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