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Hinata let out a soft gasp and reached out his hand and took Kageyamas hand on his head in his and held it tightly.

Hinata's other hand reached out slowly and caressed Kageyama's cheek as Hinata tiptoed slightly. It's then that he noticed he was crying, he let out a chuckle and a sob at the same time and pulled on Hinata's hand that was holding his. He pulled him into a hug, a tight embrace, Kageyama never wanted to let go. Hinata released his hand and wrapped his arms tightly around Kageyama's waist. Hinata was the sun and he was engulfing Kageyama. Surrounding him with his heat, blinding him with his smile.

"You never gave up on me, you showed me how important team work was, how important you are. You made playing volleyball fun again for me, you showed me it wasn't just about winning. Every time you spiked my tosses your face lit up and seeing that was even better than winning ever could be. The cheers from our teammates and the feeling of having a team that felt like a close friend group, all that, I realised that because of you." Kageyama had spoken softly, in a gentle tone that Hinata had never heard before and it made him tremble. Kageyama had buried his face on top of Hinata's head and held him closer.

"So," Kageyama took a deep breath and reluctantly pushed Hinata off of him slightly, still holding on to him for dear life, he stared at the small boys face, "Thank you."

Hinata let his tears fall and smiled brightly up at his setter. "I've beat you, my dream had come through and I thought I would be happier but," Hinata took a deep breath looking down again. "I want to play volleyball on the same side of the court with you, by your side. I don't want to hit anyone else's tosses, only yours." Hinata murmured shyly as he clenched the fabric of Kageyama's shirt in his small hands. His slim fingers intertwining with the texture that smelled like Kageyama. He leaned his head against Kageyama's chest, trembling slightly from time to time.

Kageyama laid one hand on Hinata's head again and pushed his face even closer into his chest as his other hand hung loosely by his side.

"And Suga's and Noya-san's tosses of course." Hinata said with a chuckle as he braved himself to be hit in the head and to be called a dumbass. But it never came. He pulled back but he wasn't allowed as the hand on the back of his head held him tightly. He could feel and hear Kageyama's heartbeat go haywire and he smiled.

No other words were exchanged as Hinata reached out his hand to Kageyama's and intertwined their fingers. Those fingers that had tossed countless balls towards him. Hinata giggled in happiness and he did pull back when the hand that was brushing his hair allowed it.

"Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.'' Hinata said in a serious tone, he finished with a quiet laugh as he looked up at Kageyama and his eyes followed swiftly as they both stared at the moon above them.

"Is that a prayer?'' Kageyama asked softly, "Yeah, but I got it from a movie.'' Hinata chuckled as he looked back down at Kageyama's face to find the latter already staring back at him. A soft gentle look in his eyes and Hinata could feel that his heart was about to burst.

"I want to play volleyball by your side too." Kageyama closed his eyes and smiled, a big wide grin that wasn't scary for once. Maybe it was to other people but to Hinata it was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. It was better than a clear path to the other side of the net, it was better than seeing over the blockers of the other team, it was even better than winning.

"I'd never thought I'd say this to anyone or about anything," Kageyama opened his eyes again but his smile stayed as he took Hinata into his arms again releasing his hand, "But I love you more than-" Kageyama was interrupted by Hinata taking the collar of his shirt and pulling him down harshly. They're lips met with a smack and Kageyama was pretty sure he chipped a tooth but he didn't care as he tightened his hold on the smaller boy in his arms.

It has always been him - KageHinaWhere stories live. Discover now