Waking Up Together

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You were panicking.
You were literally staying at a pro hero's pENTHOUSE-
You didn't have any clothes to change into so it was a bit uncomfortable.
You and Keigo chat for a good hour and, you were getting along with him. Like he was a friend. He was actually really funny and you enjoyed his dumb corny jokes.
"Its late you should go to bed", Keigo tells you.
You nod, walking to the guest room. You layed down.
"This is so soFFT"
And u slept lol.
Keigo's POV
I woke up. It was 2 am in the morning.
I walked to the guest room, seeing her sleeping.
She is incredibly cute, snuggled up in the blanket and pillows.
I suddenly had the urge to lay down next to her.
And- i did.
Layed down facing her, watching her sleep peacefully.
It made me calm, and i dozed off.
Your eyes fluttered open, then widen. Keigo was below you, hugging u so tightly. Your face was as red as a tomato. You tried to wiggle out but he subconsciously wrapped his wings around you.
You were stuck. But you somehow enjoyed it.
"Keigo. Keigo!"
"Mhm- oH SHIT"
"Yeah um"
" I AM SO SORRY I UH- UM SLEEP WALK AND UH-", he says covering up what actually happened.
"Its okay", you said, grabbing your purse.
After all that you finally went home.
"I'm home!", you say.
Your family were all looking straight at you.
And the first thing they ask you is,
"Are you still virgin!?"

Authors note:
Sorry for not writing for a week my sister almost caught me writing fanfic so i got scared 💀💀. Anyways, my friend told me that i had 200+ reads and 12 votes! Thank you! It was a surprise 🥺✨❤️

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