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The sun was shining with all its glory. It was a new day and your 1st day of work. You woke up at 6am and got ready. This time, you were more confident.
"You're beautiful, own it".
You wore a pink off-shoulder top tucked in a pair of red pants which had really cool stripes at the bottom. You smiled at the sight of yourself in the mirror.
You grabbed your bag and left your room.
"Wow! I see you're more confident now", Kizuki says.
You nod smiling at your dad who was smiling brightly.
You ate your breakfast and left.
You blocked out everyone with your music. You walked down the street to the agency, your hills clacking. They were 4 inched hills. Cos, balancing is hard. You felt happy, comfortable. All thanks to your dad.
"Uh may i know where Hawks' Office is?", you asked the lady at the counter.
"Oh! You're his assistant right? My you're more beautiful in person! Let me show you," she says.
"Thank you!", you replied.
"Oh! Hawks isn't here yet. You may make his coffee."
You nod your head as she left. His office was huge. But messy. Files everywhere. You stopped dreaming and quickly made his coffee.
"Shit, what type of coffee?"
You opened the cabinet and there only seemed to be one type.
Oh. You grabbed the jar of coffee and made it as greatly as you could.
Hawks Pov
I walked into my office. She was there. Her silky h/c hair. It looked so soft. I blushed at the thought of touching it.
"Good morning" i greet her.
You flinched and greeted back.
"Your coffee is ready", you say as you handed him his coffee.
"Thank you", he says and he winks at you.
You blushed.
"Uh Keigo, what would i start today with?", you asked.
"You can help me rearrange my files. They're in order tho but its all mixed. Let me show you".
He squats down in front if a huge shelf.
"Can you hand me that file over there?"
You nod and gave him the file.
"Their basically a mix of alphabetical order and numbers. So like this one is uhh... B7 , so it goes here. The numbers are up to different amounts. For each alphabet you put them together,numbers in order? Got it?"
You nod.
He got up and left the rest to you. He sat down at his table and opened his laptop. You squat down placing the files at the respective places. While you were doing so, you felt someone watching you. It was Keigo.
"Shit this is so awkward".
You ignored and just continued with the files.
Hawks Pov
Damn, she's hot. I can't seem to take my eyes off her. She's perfect. Her coffee is good too.
"Hey y/n"
"Hmm?", she says looking at me.
"Your coffee is really good".
"Thank you!", she says smiling.
Her smile. It made the butterflies in my stomach flutter. I think i'm falling for y/n. I mean, its not like i hate it or anything.
I've been staring at her for the past 10 minutes. But then stopped because i think she saw me.
Why am i so nervous? Do i like Keigo? No no can't be! I cant just fall for him like that. I've only met him for 2 days.

I think i'm falling for Keigo.

Hey! Hope yalls liked this one KSKSS

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