Chapter 1

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Hello, I'm Your New Family


Elie's POV

"Okay, here we go. There is no turning back now Eliesander Hunt."

I took a deep breath and went out of the parked car.

Am I really going to adopt a baby today?


When did I plan this?

Last night.

I know, some of you might think that I've gone coo coo, and you're not wrong.

Flashback [The previous night: 10 pm]

I just came home from work (I am an owner of a coffee shop) and I immediately sat at the living room sofa.

I took the remote and flipped through the channels, attempting to find a good movie to watch when a commercial suddenly caught my eye.

A baby diaper commercial, to be exact.

The baby's blue eyes seem to stare directly at me and his tomato red cheeks is just to die for.

I love babies, they're so precious and they make me just want to cuddle them in my arms forever.

Except for my neighbor's granddaughter, she is a gross monster.

That child just stares at the random people who pass by their house and I once saw her lick their windowpane.

Anyways, back to the story.

It'd be nice if I have a child of my own. Too bad 'cause a child can't just squeeze out of my dick- what the heck are you thinking Elie.

I facepalmed at my thought.

I stood up and decided to take a warm bath to relax my muscles.

After the relaxing bath, I brushed my teeth and did my skin care routine.

Ever since my parents died a year ago, I always felt so sad and alone.

Why not adopt a baby?

I mean, I'm financially stable, I don't have vices, I love babies, and I will surely enjoy being the child's father.

I went to my room and lay on my bed, after a few minutes, I finally drifted off to dreamland.

And now, here I am, in front of the adoption center.

I took a deep breath and went inside the establishment. The first thing I noticed is that there are lots and I mean LOTS of children running around.

"Good morning sir, can I help you?"

A lady, I'm guessing in her mid- 40s, walked up to me and offered me a smile, which I gladly gave back.

"Oh, yes, uh, can I adopt a baby?"

Her smile widened when she heard my question.

"Why of course! Just choose from all the children over there. Take your time-"

"Oh no no no, I want to adopt a baby. Like, a literally baby. Maybe months old?"

Her mouth formed an "o" and I just smiled sheepishly.

"Well, we found a baby boy at our doorstep approximately three hours ago. The poor angel is resting at the nursery right now, do you want to see him? We're guessing that he's around 3 months old."

My heart sank when I heard what the lady said. How can someone leave their own child at the doorstep without having the assurance that the baby will not be harmed?

I nodded and she gestured for me to follow her.

We took a flight upstairs and went down a long hallway until we stopped at a baby blue door.

"Here we are, he's the only baby in there as of now, because he is the youngest, please be silent so you won't startle him."

"Yes, ma'am, thank you."

She pat my back and smiled at me.

I cautiously opened the door and there he is, sleeping soundly.

I silently squealed because, as much as I don't want to admit it, his parents have good genes.

I quietly closed the door and went near his crib.

I held his small hands and I felt him wrap his hand around my index finger.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes.

I gasped because his eyes are so blue, not the pale kind of blue, it's a bright blue that seem to shine. His lashes are so long and thick, and he freaking smiled at me.

"Alright babe, you're mine."

I caressed his hand and leaned into the crib to kiss his forehead and quickly proceeded to find the lady.

I opened the door and I saw her outside the room, probably waiting for me.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

She smiled at me when she saw my bright smile.

"Are we going to arrange the adoption papers, sir?"

"Yes please."


"Okay, just sign at the bottom right corner of the last page after you skim throught the papers and we are set."

I skimmed through the papers as fast as I can, and quickly signed my name on the last page.

"Alright, let's go."

We went out of her office and went to the baby boy's room for the second time.

Here we go.

She opened the door and went to the now awakened baby.

"Alrighty baby boy, meet your new daddy."

She scooped him up and gave him to me.

"Hello Elijah, my name's Elie, and I'm your new family."


First chapter, done!

I do not know the steps in adopting a child, so please bear with this chapter 🙁

I really like the plot of this book, so please hang tight and have patience on my inconsistent updates :">

Lots of Love! 💓

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