You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

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So I decided to merge the two story ideas together. But don't worry, your requests will not go in vain! //stares intensely at Sabrina Khna// You know too much.

She woke up in a rather comfortable bed. She turned her head towards the window and could see that it was early morning for she saw the sky in the different colours of the sunrise. She felt something cool resting on her forehead and found a moist rag neatly folded. She sat up and winced at the sudden pain that took place on the side of her head. She brought a hand up to feel what could be wrong, and felt a slight bump. She pressed on it a bit and flinched.
That's definitely a bruise, she thought, confused as to how she got it. Getting out of bed, her body started to feel weighed down and in burning pain.
Why am I so sore?, she groaned in annoyance as she stretched her arms out in front of her. Adjusting her eyes to her current surroundings, she took off the rag and stood up from bed, taking the liberty of neatly folding the blanket. She examined the room, clothes and books littered the floor and a few big pieces of paper with pictures and words hung up on the wall. It all seemed so.. different. The floor felt so soft and tickled her toes whenever she walked around. She found herself in a different attire, but much more comfortable, than what she wore on her journey to the Otherside.
The Otherside..., her heart started pumping and she gulped. Did she even make it? She panicked and ran to the door, opening the knob and letting herself out. She stood in a dimly lit hallway with a door on her right and three on her left. She slowly walked down the hall, looking at framed pictures hung on the wall. There was one that caught her eye that had two dark figures, one taller and one much shorter. Unfortunately it was too dark too see their faces. She shrugged it off and continued to walk until she heard a clang of dishes coming from downstairs. Beatrice tensed up and grabbed the nearest item (which was a rock with a funny face painted on) to protect herself. For all she knew these people could potentially be a danger to her. But it did look like they took care of her...
Nonetheless, just for precautions, she clutched the rock and began her descent down the stairs quietly.
She arrived at a room that what could only be seen as a living room. The furniture was rather... odd. There was a bit black rectangle that hung up on the wall. She was certain it wasn't a picture nor a painting. As she dodged the very wide, and very soft chairs, she found more rectangle things resting at a table that sat underneath the big rectangle.
What the he-, her thoughts were interrupted by another clang, but this time it was followed by a loud sizzling sound and the smell of meat cooking. Then a soft hum of musical notes.
A person..., she gulped as she tip-toed to the kitchen area. She peeked her head through the doorway and saw a woman with her back turned away. Beatrice took a deep breath and stepped closer, unfortunately her foot made the floorboard squeak. In panic, she rose the rock high above her head, ready to bonk the woman on the head.
"You're up early, Junior. I was just about to-" the woman turned around, holding a plate of cooked eggs and some sort of meat and froze at the sight that beheld her.
Beatrice held her pose as she and the woman stared at each other for a good while. The redhead dropped down to her knees and clasped her hands together. "I'm sorry!!"
She sat uncomfortably in a wooden chair as the woman set dishes and food on the breakfast table. Beatrice looked down and smacked her forehead with her palm repeatedly. Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could you be so dumb?! she cried in her head.
The woman, noticing her actions, smiled warmingly and gently gave Beatrice a pat on the head. Beatrice stopped and looked up. "You should eat. You're probably hungry," the woman said as she set a dish of eggs and the odd meat (the woman said it was called "bacon") in front of her.
"My name's Jane," the woman said, giving her a soft smile, "What's yours?"
Beatrice hesitated. It didn't seem right to just give her name away to some stranger.
"It's ok. I don't bite," Jane assured.
Finally, the teenager spoke. "Beatrice. My name's Beatrice. It's nice to meet you Miss Jane," the girl extended a hand to give Jane a handshake. The woman was taken aback by the sudden manners the girl had shown, despite her rough first impression.
"P-pleasure.." Jane said, a bit shocked as she shook the girl's hand.
"I really am so sorry about what happened earlier..." Beatrice apologised, picking up a fork to start eating. The woman sat down at the chair across from her and took a strip of bacon from her plate.
"Don't worry about it," Jane said, taking a bite, "You were probably just scared and confused."
Beatrice nodded and jabbed her fork into the yolk of the egg.
"Do you have a knife I can use to cut this?" Beatrice asked.
"You mean like a butter knife?" Jane stood up to get a butter knife from a drawer and handed it to the redhead. Beatrice was confused as to why the blade was very dull, but shrugged it off and proceeded to cut the egg. She took her first bite and instantly grew in love with the food.
"This is so good!" the girl said after she had swallowed. The woman laughed.
"That's great to hear. Please, help yourself. You haven't eaten in three days," Jane said. Beatrice almost choked at the sudden news.
"I've been unconscious for three days?" she said, shocked.
"Well, we don't exactly know. My sons found you unconscious on the ground about three days ago. You looked really terrible when they brought you home. So many cuts and bruises and your breathing was very shallow and your heart beat was very faint," Jane said, but then she looked at Beatrice in awe, "I'm surprised you're awake with your condition. But you still look pretty beat up, though."
Suddenly the two heard a slow thumping from upstairs. "That's probably Junior," the woman chuckled, "He probably had another all nighter. He walks really loudly when he wakes up tired." The loud sound stopped, followed by the creak of an opening door.
"School's always making him tired nowadays, now that finals are close," Jane explained.
Finals? Beatrice was confused. They never had finals from her school.
The thumping started up again, but this time it was louder and faster. "Mom?!" a voice yelled as the thuds grew nearer.
The redhead tensed up. That voice sounded rather familiar...
A rather scrawny looking boy burst through the doorway with a panicked look on his face. "Mom!IwenttogocheckonBeatriceandshewasn't-" the boy stopped when it dawned on him that the missing girl was in fact sitting right in front of his mother. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking absolutely baffled at the sight. "Beatrice?" the boy said with a red face.
She almost didn't believe it. The voice she had for so long awaited and looked for just to hear again had called out her name. His face was just as shocked as her's and she had to resist the urge to jump into his arms and kiss him right then and there in front of his mother.
"Beatrice," he repeated, this time much more firmly with a face almost looking no longer red.
"I.. uh..." she was at loss for words. Then she suddenly stood up from her chair and ran up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him so tightly as warm tears fell down her face.
"Wirt..." she managed to croak out in between sobs of relief. He hugged her back just as tightly as she did and began to tear up as well, burrowing his face onto her shoulder.
"I missed you so much," she whispered.
"I missed you as well," he answered back.

Alas! The ending is close. Very very close. After this story, I'll be working on my other one that I've been neglecting for a while now. Until next chapter~! u w u)

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