Chapter 2: A Whole New Definition of Shocked

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I stood there shocked in the doorway of my kitchen. My dad was in between the legs of  naked blonde bimbo on my counter. My dads pants were around him ankles and i could feel tears threatening to fall.

"Kailey, i thought since you were taking so long that yoou ended up at a friends house" he whispered quickly pulling his pants up and throwing the blonde bitch his button up shirt.

"So you decided to fucking shag this blonde whore?" i hissed

"Do not talk to me that way i am your father" he stated

"Yah well my father would never cheat on my mother or lie to me, but i guess i was wrong. I suggest you find another place to live because i'm telling mom tonight" i said before storming up to my room.

I plugged my phone up to the charger and waited for it to turn on. How could he do that to us, to thi family, to me? i asked myself finally letting the tears fall down my cheeks. How could me? I was so mad, i was pacing back and forth in my room till finally i lost it. I started punching stuff, breking everything he gave, me completely losing coontrol. I shattered two of my flower vases he had given me nowing how much i loved flowers. I riped up all the pictures of me and him burning them in the process. My clothes where destroyed, my bed was flipped, my dresser broken, and my life ruined.

i was finally able to calm down when i heard a tapping on my windo. I walked out to my balcony all to see Nate standing there slightly smiling.

"How long have you been there?" i snniffledd wiping away the rest on my tears.

"Well i got up here right when you decided to punch your wall repeatedly" he answered

"Oh" i shrugged and opened the door wider so he could get in.

He got the messaged and walked in looking around inspecting my now trashed room. I shut the door then went over to my phone.  was just now turning on so i just have to wait just a little bit longer.

"Why where you outside? i thought you had left" i asked

"Well i was about to leave, but then i heard you screaming at someone and i got lucky when i picked which balcony i should climb. So i basically wanted to make sure you were ok" He smiled, an actual smile not a smirk a reasuring smile.

"Well Thanks" i said going and unlocking my phone instantly calling my mom.

"Kailey, are you ok?" My mom asked

"Um mom, i caught dad, i caught dad" i had to stop before i started crying again

"You caught dad doing what sweetie?" she asked

"Dad, Henry, he was with another women" i whispered

"He was what? i can't understand you when you mumble"

"Dad was with another women" i stated 

I heard her take a sharp deep intake of breath.

"What?"she wimpered

"I walked into the house an-n-nd they were in the kitchen" i stuttered

"Oh my god! i knew something was up he always acts so differently around me now. Oh god" i heard her sob

"Mom i'm sorry"

"Baby, it's fine i'm just gonna go and um call your father"

"Ok mom i love you"

"i love you too sweetie"

The line went dead

 Nate was fixing my bed so he could sit on it instead of just standing around my room. He was putting the mattress back on the bed frame when I heard my father or better known as Henry yelling at someone, and I knew exactly who it was. He was talking to my mother. I slowly walked over to my bed where Nate was casually laying on. I jumped on my bed and looked up. On my ceiling was a collage of family pictures, but there were mainly pictures of me and my dad throughout the years. I sighed heavily and closed by eyes just thinking.

Daddy's Little Princess, at Least She Was [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now