☆15:dreams & stars

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"Can you close your eyes for a moment?"

"For what?" he asked.

"Just close your eyes."

"Uh okay ..." he then shut his eyes.

Nini walked away slowly and quietly from Yeonjun, on the other hand, he waved his arm on the air just to feel that Nini was no longer in front of her. About to open his eyes, Nini told him to still close his eyes.

"Nini, what are you doing?" his voice quivered a little bit. "Where are you going?"

"Just wait a little bit!" Nini said, her voice sounded from afar.

"Nini this isn't funny!" he whined with pouted lips. "Come back!"

"Jun ..."

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, did he just hear that right?

"Hyung ..."

He turned his head to the sound while opening his eyes slowly. Where is that voice coming from?

Nini stopped walking, she stood far away from him, on the end of the other side of the bridge.

"Yeonjun!" she called his name and the latter turned to the girl who called him, brushing off the voices in his head.

"Nini, what are you doing over there?" he shouted, chuckling in disbelief. "Come back here!"

"I'm making you miss me!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh, come back here!" he exclaimed back, an anxious smile plastered on his face.

"Why? Sometimes it's okay to be away from each other!" she exclaimed. "Distance is good, right?"

"But I don't want distance!" Yeonjun exclaimed, his voice quivered a little but Nini didn't notice it.

Then, Nini ran back to Yeonjun's arms, the latter hugging her tight.

"Did you miss me?" Nini asked in with pout lips.

"Yes, I missed you." Yeonjun said, pecking Nini's forehead, nose and then lips.

Nini just chuckled and buried her face on his chest, the latter tightening the hug, resting his head on her head.

"Jun ... Hyung ..."

Did I really hear those voices?


The sun was now setting, Yeonjun, Nini, Terry and Kai were seated to eat dinner.

"Woah, I've never seen this table full of food for years." Kai said.

"Well then let's enjoy this delicious food!" Nini exclaimed and all of them started digging in.

Laughter was filled in this ambient, little stories from each one of them were shared.

It was getting late and the two boys went to sleep. Yeonjun and Nini were left to cleaning the dishes.

After cleaning up, they went for a little walk and ending up to the rock.

"It's so nice to see the stars from here." Yeonjun commented.

"It is." Nini agreed.

Enjoying the night's breeze, Nini leaned closer to Yeonjun and the latter wrapped an arm around her figure.

"If we didn't meet each other," Yeonjun began, "do you think we would have met in another lifetime?"

Nini smiled on that and took a deep breath, "Well, I've always thought that people have already met other people without them noticing."

"What do you mean?"

"I've always thought that we meet other people in our dreams," she said.

Yeonjun stared at her endearingly with a smile before chuckling at what she just said.

"Why are you laughing?" Nini asked confused.

"You're adorable," he said. "do you really think we could've met each other through our dreams?"

"Yeah, I do," Nini nodded while looking at the night sky.

He followed her gaze to the sky and thought that the view in front of him was something he never saw before.

The dark sky was filled with little stars, blinking in different tempos in different sizes.

"The stars looks so bright tonight," Nini commented, her eyes filled with admiration as the stars itself were reflected in her pupils. "they look so beautiful."

Too absorbed by the view, Yeonjun took a look at her, admiring everything about her; how her eyes were holding the reflection of the stars, how her hair was beautifully put in a messy bun, how her skin was glowing under the moonlight, she was gorgeous, she was blinding, just like the stars.

"Just like you," he mumbled, before enjoying the night sky.


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