Slight Warning/A Note From Me

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Hey. This is my first short story that I'm publishing! I decided this based off of my descriptive skills I learned from school recently. When I wrote a couple of these chapters as simply one-offs, it was a strange and surreal experience. Although relatively short, I believe this story is one that sticks with some people as it did to me.

A quick warning: This story alludes to certain topics that may be deemed sensitive, mainly involving themes of neglect and other personal situations. Although it isn't outright mentioned, it is alluded to in the way that I feel it to be necessary to place this warning. Also, for sake of privacy, there will be no mention of who the story consists of, as it is not my place to mention. So proceed with caution if you have any discomfort with anything I've mentioned!

I hope you enjoy this beginning of, what hopefully, will be a long journey. We begin with a taster!

Thank you and get to readin'! ;)

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