11. Baby Whisperer

Start from the beginning

"I look like shit!" Carl groans. "I need to put on deodorant!"

"Dude" Sean contorts his face in disgust. "You didn't put on deodorant today?"

Lip chuckles and Carl walks up the stairs hurriedly. The male gets up and calls up the stairs. "You can put on some of my cologne too Romeo!"

Sean looks between Fiona and Lip. "So what's the story of him and that girl?"

Lip sighs. "Basically she was his first love and then she moved away and Carl was heartbroken" He thinks back of the time where his kid brother was truly miserable. "He wouldn't eat for days and he would just lay down and whine" He laughs. "He was ten!"

"She left to take care of her druggie mom but I'm guessing that's done with" Fiona comments, waiting for a knock on the door any minute now. "She's the only person Carl's ever listened to" The woman says.

Debbie can't help but laugh in remembrance of those times with her rather dramatic brother. "Carl is terrible with girls" She muses while she eats her toast. "I can't wait to see how he fucks this one up"

The teen comes down, now doused in cologne and wearing a different shirt with combed hair. "How do I look?" He asks anxiously and they all look at him.

"You would look good without the crutches" Lip comments and the teen sighs.

"I'm so stupid!" Carl groans. "I know I shouldn't have tried that damn kickflip" He shakes his head in shame and there's a knock at he door. He takes a deep breath, looking towards the door.

Debbie stands up, scoffing at the scared look on her brother's face. "I'll get it" She opens the door and wastes no time hugging her old childhood friend. "BELLA!" She exclaims im excitement as the two girls continue their embrace.

"I missed you Debs" The brunette smiles, patting her arm. "It's been too long" Lip walks over, hugging the young girl.

He looks down at her, his arms around her shoulders. "I thought I told you stop growing up" Lip ruffles her hair and she smiles, trying to get it back in place.

Then she spots him. The boy she had been thinking about for years. She can't help but smile at how different he looks. And then when she notices the crutches it's all over for Carl Gallagher. Bella chuckles at first, trying to fight it but then she's full on laughing. "The hell happened Gallagher?" She giggles and he rolls his eyes.

Carl had been watching her the whole time. Fiona wasn't lying, she did get really pretty. Her hair was long, about halfway down her back and it was wavy. She had a pair of sunglasses placed atop her head and was wearing a green tank top with blue denim shorts and sandals. He couldn't tell if she was wearing makeup or not but it looked like she was. Her skin was tan, even more than the last time he saw her and it glowed. His heart beat fast looking at her, watching her movements. She walks closer to him and smiles. "What happened buddy?"

Carl is speechless, trying to think of something to say but luckily Debs is there to save the day. "He fell off his skateboard and broke his ankle" She explains and Bella nods.

"Poor babyy" Bella teases, patting his face and he still can't say a word. "Are you good?" She finally asks and he nods.

"Y-yeah. I'm great" He smiles, looking her up and down. "You changed"

And she sighs, bringing a hand up to his arm and she caresses it lightly. "And I see you didn't" The Latina smiles as everyone watches their interaction. "Well uh I have to go unpack but you wanna keep me some company? Fill me in on everything I missed?" She asks hopefully, still rubbing his arm and he nods profusely.

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