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Days bled together with everyone's fiery effort to become stronger and defeat every opposing teams involved in the training camp. Every day offered new oppurtunities and everyone didn't spare any effort unlocking those doors. The Summer Training Camp has finally come to an end. Everyone felt weighed down by the thought but they knew that this would eventually happen so they decided to enjoy it to the very last moment.

"Barbeque. Barbeque. Barbeque." Karasuno's trio kept on chanting as they changed into more comfortable clothes before they head out to the open field where the teachers are preparing for a simple celebration.

Kei fwipped the curtain and peered down on the lively crowd. His face painted a mixture of discomfort and hesitation. He had always tried to avoid such events. He hates unnecessary chaos above all things. He continued to observe while contemplating on his decision when that rooster head bickered at him to come down. He strongly shook his head but Kuroo started yelling and now everyone had darted their attention to him.

"This guy...!"

Kei slumped his shoulders as his feet trudge to the venue.

"Tsukki, try these!" Yamaguchi said and Kei received the plate of food.

"Tsukishima, you better eat properly. You're still growing."

"That's not fair, Asahi-san. Tell me that, too. I want to grow taller, too."

Kei scoffed and looked down on Hinata with a mocking look on his face. "You? Grow taller? That'll only be a dream, Hinata."

"What was that, Tsukishima?" The shorter boy growled like a little lion cub ready to attack its prey.

The party was a mess, but in a good way. They all had fun. Kei, too. He proved that getting into u necessary messes sometimes is also a good experience. And thanks to a certain someone, he was able to have that experience.

The skies had turned darker, dark enough to let even the smallest stars claim their places. Everyone was exchanging words of thanks and encouragement, the part Kei hates the most. He wasn't really good at laying his thoughts in the open. If anything, he's probably the worst at it.

"Tsukishima, I look forward standing on the same court as you." Bokuto piped in, jumping up and down.

Kei lifted the corner of his lips into a taunting smirk. "I feel the same. After all, I was finally able to block your attacks, Bokuto-san."

Bokuto slipped behind Akaashi, unused to this side of Kei.

"Akaashi, do something about this arrogant kid."

"You started the conversation, Bokuto-san." Akaashi told the guy behind him. Tilting his head to his side, he peered down. "End it yourself."

The mixed group of people walked down the streets lit up by the busy city lights. One by one, they go off their respective ways.

"Tsukki, can you go ahead of me? Mom asked me to buy something so we'll be going separate ways."

Kei nodded his head and watched Yamaguchi go the opposite road. He turned his head to both sides to check the remaining people. Hinata, Kageyama, Kenma, Kuroo and him were the only ones left. They go down the road until the other three departed. Now it's only Kuroo and him.

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