I saw (Y/N) struggling to get up, and I focused on Krauser who lunged for me again. 

"What do you want?" 

I growled at him, as the two of us circled each other. 


He scoffed, lunging for me again, 

I dodged and rolled out the why swiping for him, 

He dodged too. 

"The sample Sadlaar developed that's all."

He lunged again! 

Our knives hit one anothers and I shoved him out my way, 

"Leave Ashley out of this!" 

(Y/N) and I had trained with Krauser... Ashley was just a hostage. 

"Oh I needed her to buy Sadlaars trust in me. Like you I'm American."

He kicked a barrel at me and I shoved it out my way as I saw Krauser rush at me. 

I blocked his knife with mine but the impact sent us both tumbling down a level!

I backflip and landed on my feet as Krauser did the same.

"You got her involved just for that?" 

I yelled as this time I lunged for him, 

We traded parry's until finally I managed to slice him across the chest. 

He stumbled back a little, 

Then before I knew what was happening, we were face to face, holding each other's knives away from our own faces. 

Glaring daggers at each other. 

Then Krauser twisted my arm around my back and kicked me hard onto the floor. I dropped my knife. 


(Y/N) came from the level above with their own knife out. 

They jumped on Krauser and sliced at his arm, 

He clutched it in pain but didn't stop, he lunged at them. 

Being smaller they easily avoided his attack and roundhouse kicked him.

It didn't do much, he only stumbled before he grabbed their arm and twisted it painfully to the side and threw them to the floor. 

He went to stab them but they brought both their feet to his chest and kicked him back!

(Y/N) scrambled to their feet and grabbing their gun ready to fire, but Krauser was quicker and as they turned around they were met with a powerful punch to the face. 

As if their nose wasnt bleeding enough. 

But this time I think they were knocked out cold...

"All for Umbrella's sake..." 

Krauser said as he towered over me. 


I questioned with wide eyes, 

"Arg, I almost let it slip. Enough talk- die comrade!" 

Krauser jumped and was about to stab me! 

But I caught the knife and held it back, the tip was just above my neck and then-

The knife was blasted out of Krausers hands and Krauser got off me. 

I looked around, it wasn't (Y/N)! They were still a log. 

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