Sky: "I have my own place. I like my own place." 

Mark: "I'm across the street from the hospital."

Sky: "I live around the block from the hospital."

Mark: "Yeah but this way you cut your travel time enough." he says as she scoffs while shaking her head playfully at him and the door opens to reveal Callie

Callie: "Ok, ok. Which one?" she comes out wearing a dress while holding up two different ones in her hands "My first day at Mercy West. I wanna look nice, you know, serious, talented, hardcore, not someone you push around. Nice, but hot. Like me."

Mark: "That one." he points to one of them in her hand

Callie: "Really? I thought this one."

Mark: "Mnh-mhn. Too hot. Better for a date. That one."

Callie: "Ok. Here" she hands the dresses for Sky to hold as she changes "Eh, thanks. Ok. Ok. Less hot?"

Mark: "Less hot." he nods his head

Callie: "Ok. Good. Thanks. Wish me luck. Or not luck, 'cause I'm all talented and hardcore."

Mark: "You're an attending, Torres. Go kick some ass."

Sky: "Good luck." she waves at her as she walks down the hall before walking into Mark's apartment

Day 23

Sky: "Finished."

Clara: "Read it back to me." she says in between gasps

Sky "Hi, Mom. Please prepare yourself. This is gonna be difficult to read. I've been in an accident."

Clara: "That's not what I said."

Sky "I've suffered terrible injuries..."

Clara: "You can't send that."

Sky "I'm suffering from an infection which I've refused to treat, so I'm gonna die soon. Please come quickly, Mom, and if I'm gone before you get here, I wanted to tell you how much I love you."

Clara: "Stop it."

Sky: "Thank you for making me from scratch."

Clara: "You bitch! You're a bitch!"

Sky: "I can hit the call button and have the nurses take you into surgery. Or I can hit send. That's the deal."

Clara: "I will sue you. I will sue you and this hospital."

Sky: "No, you won't. You'll be dead."

Clara: "Please. Please." she whimpers as Sky hits the call button

Sky: "That's a lot of necrotic small bowel."

Cristina: "Can you save any of it?"

Bailey: "Yesterday, I could have. Yesterday, this would've been a simple drainage. But that was before Dr. Yang threatened my patient with a colostomy that, thankfully, will not be necessary because it did not actually involve the colon."

Cristina: "How can I help?"

Bailey: "Oh, you've done enough."

Sky: "Bailey I gave Yang the okay for her to tell Clara. It's not her fault. Clara was gonna say no, no matter what Yang told her." she says as Bailey glares behind her mask and a smug smile comes over Cristina's face

Day 36

Callie: "Oh. Hey. Is Mark around?" she comes into the apartment to see Sky sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee while reading a magazine

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