Programmed Life

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Beam POV

Fuck! It's already 6PM! I'll be late for work! Haaaay! It's frustrating when I don't have that much sleep because my son is too energetic and kept on bugging me every time I try to doze off. Tsk! But I have no choice but to play with him. It's better to just play with him than be angry everytime when he shakes me in bed while I'm trying to rest.

Well, that's the life of a single dad. Since my wife died when our son Wayo was born, I just focused my all on raising my child. It has been five years already since and my family was urging me to find another partner in life in raising Wayo. I mean, I'm not particularly averge-looking. I'm pretty sure there are many around who are interested in me. But I simply don't have the time for them because I work hard to earn money to attend to all of Wayo's needs. All my efforts are only for Wayo, I don't even have time for myself. Plus, I know what it feels like to be left alone so I told myself that I will never love again. I guess, it's that traumatizing for me.

Shit! This is what I'm afraid of. I'll truly arrive late for work. Ugh! And here I am being nagged to death by Khun Vanika.

"You're late again! We have so many customers! You piece of shit! Go on! Move! We're already busy here and here you are still standing like a statue!" She berated non-stop.

"Sorry khun, I slept late. My son was too naughty today and didn't let me sleep properly." I apologized while bowing.

"Why don't you remarry so you have someone who will take care of your son?" She remarked with an arched brow. "Move!!!"

We always have this scene between us. That's why her booming voice is like music to my ears. It beats the loud speakers of the bar in it's never ending tirades. I moved fast to assist in serving the customers.

Moments later, the background music stopped playing and a voice spoke through the mic. "Good evening everyone, we are The Wolf Pack!"

Woah! It's my favorite band's turn to play tonight!

The voice of the vocalist, Forth, is really hypnotizing. It has this quality that fits their band's preferred music, soft rock. But I think his voice with go well with acoustic and ballad range too.

A/N: As a fan of TaeTEe, I recognize that the songs they have released so far together and with SBFive do not showcase their vocal prowess. SBFive is Bubblegum Pop while Khun Luang is as I described above and Khun Ying is a true balladeer. The earlier you accept that their vocals do not fit SBFive the better and frankly, in my point of view, it explains why they have little vocals in their songs in the first place. THEY ARE NOT FOR POP SONGS. BKC is Pop, TaeTEe is Ballad and soft rock. Just listen to their solo songs, you'll know what I'm talking about.

They performed the song Fake Protagonist by Getsunova. The audience cheered and clapped because of Forth's vocal prowess. You can really feel the emotion in the way he sings. I always find myself stunned whenever I listen to him. His voice has that effect on me.

But I snapped out of it earlier than usual because I don't want to be scolded by Khun Vanika again tonight. We were in full capacity because it was the weekend. Ugh! I'm sure I'll be all spent after the shift.

I felt like the night was too long, but it just ended. Finally, I can go home. After cleaning up the bar, I swiftly changed clothes. I still need to fetch Wayo from Khun Jennie's place. She's our transwoman neighbor who's fond of my son. She always volunteers to look after Wayo with her boyfriend, Max, whom I think wants to become a father because he's too fond of Wayo. I don't really mind. On the contrary, they give me a peace of mind because they are kind enough to be responsible for Wayo in my absence. What I'm concerned about though is that I'm exposing my child to such alternative lifestyle. Well I guess it's alright. What's important is that I can provide Wayo with ample education and I raise him to be a proper and resposible individual.

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