~ Chapter 2 - May~

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May looked out of the window of her car, the dark sullen street of Bristol at 8.30pm lay ahead, a few men walking down the dismal alley and cyclist rode past her probably a commuter coming home from work. As she drove down the dark strees towards her apartment block she felt a chill on her neck like she was being followed, she'd looked behind her  a lot and there were no other cars on the road, but for some odd reason she felt as if someone was there. 'Obviously no one is there.' she said out loud to herself, she was used to doing this to make her self more comfortable in situations.

She pulled into the parking lot and walked slowly over to the door, out of the corner of her eye she saw the shadows shift, she stood still for a split second and then sped into the building as fast as she could, skipped out on the elevator and shot up the stairs to floor 7, she slid around the corner and ended up out side her door, apartment 7c, Home sweet home, and not a moment to soon, the man that had been stood there when she'd pulled into the parking lot had followed her into her apartment block and was now probably pacing up the stairs, onto floor 7 and he was probably just about to turn the corner and find his self outside of apartment 7c.

She sat for what felt like hours next to the door to her home, clutching a knife to protect herself from whatever was following her home, she waited...and waited, then suddenly footsteps, Paced and steady footsteps....Peter's foot steps, she droped the knife and stood up and then walked out onto the hallway and smiled at Peter and said 'Hey, Peter..right?'

'The very same.' Peter replied. 'Why were you running? I saw you in the parking lot just before...'

'Oh sorry I'm a little on edge, something happened to me recently...anyway I need to go....erm, it was nice talking to you Peter'. May flashed a smile, and then she realized she was smiling widely like an idiot so she blushed and spun around and slammed her door.

'What a relief'. She though and the she went into her apartment and lay down and stared at the roof until she dropped off to sleep.


Hey me again, I decided to update early since I realized begging probably won't help, so here it is, Chapter 2 , I don't know how many it will have since I've wrote out a LOT of endings it could be anywhere from 17-30 chapters depending on how interested people are in me carrying on the book.

Thanks Guys


The Curse of JobTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon